
















  • 人民币(CNY)结汇提款/转账、万里汇账户跨境宝1688直采均不受假期影响;人民币(CNY)付款到支付宝,独家闪速到账。


  • 美元USD

2月 17 日,提款/转账申请将延迟处理,在当地时间 2 月 18 日(周二)恢复正常。

  • 离岸人民币CNH

2 月 1 日 - 2 月 4 日,提款/转账申请将延迟处理,在当地时间 2 月 5 日(周三)恢复正常。

  • 日元JPY

2 月 11 日,提款/转账申请将延迟处理,在当地时间 2 月 12 日(周三)恢复正常。

2 月 24 日,提款/转账申请将延迟处理,在当地时间 2 月 25 日(周二)恢复正常。

  • 加元CAD

2 月 17 日,提款/转账申请将延迟处理,在当地时间 2 月 18 日(周二)恢复正常。

  • 印度卢比INR

2 月 19 日,提款/转账申请将延迟处理,在当地时间 2 月 20 日(周四)恢复正常。

2 月 26 日,提款/转账申请将延迟处理,在当地时间 2 月 27 日(周四)恢复正常。

  • 斯里兰卡卢比LKR

2 月 4 日,提款/转账申请将延迟处理,在当地时间 2 月 5 日(周三)恢复正常。

2 月 12 日,提款/转账申请将延迟处理,在当地时间 2 月 13 日(周四)恢复正常。

2 月 26 日,提款/转账申请将延迟处理,在当地时间 2 月 27 日(周四)恢复正常。

  • 毛里求斯卢比MUR

2 月 11 日,提款/转账申请将延迟处理,在当地时间 2 月 12 日(周三)恢复正常。

2 月 26 日,提款/转账申请将延迟处理,在当地时间 2 月 27 日(周四)恢复正常。

  • 墨西哥比索MXN

2 月 3 日,提款/转账申请将延迟处理,在当地时间 2 月 4 日(周二)恢复正常。

  • 马来西亚林吉特MYR

2 月 11 日,提款/转账申请将延迟处理,在当地时间 2 月 12 日(周三)恢复正常。

  • 巴基斯坦卢比PKR

2 月 5 日,提款/转账申请将延迟处理,在当地时间 2 月 6 日(周四)恢复正常。

  • 泰铢THB

2 月 12 日,提款/转账申请将延迟处理,在当地时间 2 月 13 日(周四)恢复正常。



*上述币种,周末的提款/转账申请均将延迟至下一个工作日处理;未提及的币种,除了周末,均不受影响。请特别注意: 巴林第纳尔BHD; 埃及镑EGP; 沙特里亚尔SAR所属国家或地区的工作日为每周日至周四,公休日为周五和周六。


如有疑问,请咨询万里汇(WorldFirst)官方客服☎️+86 400 976 6666 。周一至周日 8:00-23:00,全年无休。


Step 1

Log in to your WorldFirst B2B account.


Step 2

On the homepage, find the 【Financial calendar】 in the bottom right corner and click 【View Details】 to enter the main Financial Calendar page.


Step 3

You can click on the currency filter bar at the top of the screen to select and view the holiday information for the currencies you are interested in.


CNY Withdrawal/Transfer Services 💼

  • CNY withdrawals and transfers, as well as direct purchases using the WorldFirst Cross-Border Treasure 1688, are not affected by holidays.Exclusive fast transfer to Alipay.

Foreign Currency Withdrawal/Transfer Services💼

  • USD

February 17: Withdrawal and transfer requests will be delayed and will return to normal on February 18 (Tuesday) local time.

  • CNH

February 1 - 4: Withdrawal and transfer requests will be delayed and will return to normal on February 5 (Wednesday) local time.

  • JPY

February 11: Withdrawal and transfer requests will be delayed and will return to normal on February 12 (Wednesday) local time.

February 24: Withdrawal and transfer requests will be delayed and will return to normal on February 25 (Tuesday) local time.

  • CAD

February 17: Withdrawal and transfer requests will be delayed and will return to normal on February 18 (Tuesday) local time.

  • INR

February 19: Withdrawal and transfer requests will be delayed and will return to normal on February 20 (Thursday) local time.

February 26: Withdrawal and transfer requests will be delayed and will return to normal on February 27 (Thursday) local time.

  • LKR

February 4: Withdrawal and transfer requests will be delayed and will return to normal on February 5 (Wednesday) local time.

February 12: Withdrawal and transfer requests will be delayed and will return to normal on February 13 (Thursday) local time.

February 26: Withdrawal and transfer requests will be delayed and will return to normal on February 27 (Thursday) local time.

  • MUR

February 11: Withdrawal and transfer requests will be delayed and will return to normal on February 12 (Wednesday) local time. ● February 26: Withdrawal and transfer requests will be delayed and will return to normal on February 27 (Thursday) local time.

  • MXN

February 3: Withdrawal and transfer requests will be delayed and will return to normal on February 4 (Tuesday) local time.

  • MYR

February 11: Withdrawal and transfer requests will be delayed and will return to normal on February 12 (Wednesday) local time.

  • PKR

February 5: Withdrawal and transfer requests will be delayed and will return to normal on February 6 (Thursday) local time.

  • THB

February 12: Withdrawal and transfer requests will be delayed and will return to normal on February 13 (Thursday) local time.

*Please Note📢: During the holiday period, all foreign currency transfers to mainland China will be delayed until the next business day.

*For the supported currencies being deposited into WorldFirst, there may be delays due to local bank holidays. The specific arrival time will depend on the bank's operating hours.

*For the mentioned currencies, withdrawal and transfer requests made on weekends will be processed on the next business day. Currencies not mentioned will not be affected by weekends. Please note that the working days for Bahrain Dinar (BHD), Egyptian Pound (EGP), and Saudi Riyal (SAR) are from Sunday to Thursday, with Friday and Saturday being public holidays.

*Please be aware that if you make a payment to a country or region using the mentioned currencies, the transaction may be delayed to the next business day due to local holidays.

For example: If you make a USD payment to a Hong Kong bank account on June 1st, and it is affected by a local holiday in Hong Kong, the transaction will be processed on the next business day.

*If you have any questions, please contact WorldFirst's official customer service at ☎️+86 400 976 6666. Available from Monday to Sunday, 8:00-23:00, with no holidays.
