
万里付卡用户服务协议 / WorldFirst Virtual Card Service Agreement



本万里付卡服务协议(以下简称“本协议”)由World First Asia Limited(以下简称“万里汇”或“我们”)与万里汇账户(定义见下文背景A部分)的用户(以下简称“用户”、“客户”或“”)就您使用万里付卡(定义见下文第1.12条)、单卡账户(定义见下文第1.11条)、万里付卡账户(定义见下文第1.10条)及其他相关事宜订立。





(A)         您已同意万里汇账户亚洲条款和条件、隐私政策和使用条款(合称“条款和条件”),该等条款和条件规定了万里汇向您提供的服务和您在万里汇开立的账户(“万里汇账户”)的使用。

(B)         您要求获得本协议规定的由万里汇提供的万里付卡、单卡账户和万里付卡账户服务(“服务”)。

(C)         一旦万里汇和/或发卡行(如适用)批准了您的万里付卡、单卡账户和万里付卡账户的申请,您将按照下文规定的条款使用您的万里付卡、单卡账户和万里付卡账户以及任何其他相关产品或服务。


1.     定义

1.1        合规义务”系指下列各项义务的合称:(i)万里汇及其关联方所需遵守法律、《打击洗钱及恐怖分子资金筹集(金融机构)条例》、国际指引、内部政策或程序、监管部门的要求(例如报告和/或披露义务)及要求我们核实客户身份的法律义务;及(ii)发卡行及其关联方所需遵守法律、法规、规则、要求、判决、法令、许可授予承诺、命令或指令(包括但不限于任何适用于发卡行、其关联方或发卡行或其关联方的业务或者以其他方式约束发卡行或其关联方的全球、联邦、国家、州或地方法律、规则和法规,包括由对发卡行或其关联方有管辖权的政府或监管部门颁布的法律、规则和法规,法律、政府或监管部门的要求,或发卡行与任何政府部门签订的协议)的义务。

1.2  客户入驻信息”系指您为了申请使用服务向万里汇提供的信息,包括但不限于:

a.    关于您的公司、股东和所有者的身份信息(包括但不限于姓名/名称、地址和电子邮件地址)以及用于核实所提供信息的文件;及

b.    关于您的店铺或业务的信息,例如店铺网址、店铺商户类别码(即行业分类)和店铺地点。

1.3        发卡行”系指在香港成立,且获得许可,可发行根据发卡行与万里汇已订立或将订立的协议项下的银行卡之银行。

1.4        支付网络”系指Mastercard Asia/Pacific Pte. Ltd.及其关联方和任何其他类似的支付机构。

1.5        支持货币”系指(i)交易记帐入您的万里付卡所采用的货币,在本协议签署日约定为美元;或(ii)万里汇另行同意和确认的任何其他货币。

1.6        单卡额度”系指万里汇网站相关网页上列出的、由万里汇为每张万里付卡设置的单日预设支出限额。万里付卡的单卡额度将按照单日每笔交易的金额相应扣减。万里汇有权随时降低或提高单卡额度,并将在合理可行的情况下尽快通过更新万里汇网站相关网页或任何其他方式向您通知该等变更。

1.7        交易”系指与发卡行所允许的第三方供应商或服务提供商进行的线上交易,且该交易付款将通过万里付卡进行。

1.8        终止日”系指本协议被视为终止且本协议项下的义务不再可执行的日期,但本协议明确规定在终止后继续有效的条款例外。

1.9        交易信息”系指与您的万里付卡账户、万里付卡和单卡账户相关的交易信息,包括但不限于您的姓名、账户余额、转账和付款记录。

1.10     万里付卡账户”系指您的万里汇账户的子账户。万里付卡账户中的所有资金必须来自您的万里汇账户,您则可根据本协议的条款通过万里付卡进行交易。

1.11     单卡账户”系指在您的万里汇账户中与万里付卡关联的子账户。单卡账户中的所有资金必须来自万里付卡账户。拟议交易的金额将受限于且不得超过单卡账户的余额。

1.12     万里付卡”系指万里汇分配给万里汇账户用户的、用于交易付款的交易账号。


2.    陈述和保证


2.1      您拥有合法资格和充分权力与权限签署本协议,行使您在本协议项下的权利,履行并遵守您在本协议项下的义务,且本协议根据其条款构成对您有效并具有约束力的义务;

2.2      您不是支付中介或金融机构;

2.3      您持有任何适用于您根据本协议所进行的活动之法律、规则或法规所要求持有的,所有授权、同意、豁免和许可;

2.4      您将完全遵守所有适用的法律法规,以及相关政府部门为执行该等法律法规而颁布的原则和指引;

2.5      您的业务经营地是且将是您的注册地,且服务的使用地点仅限于万里汇提供该等服务的司法辖区或地区;

2.6      如果提供给万里汇的信息包括第三方(包括但不限于您的子公司、关联方、继承人和/或受让人,以及(在相关的情况下)您的公司的管理人员、董事、员工和代理人)的任何信息,该等第三方应知悉所披露信息的范围和披露目的(参见万里汇隐私政策);且您进一步保证已获得该等第三方的同意,可以根据本协议使用其信息,且提供的所有信息均真实、准确和有效;

2.7      您承诺,您将仅为您的合法商业目的使用万里付卡向第三方供应商或服务提供商付款,而非为您的内部目的;及

2.8      您理解,万里汇并未以任何身份作为任何银行和/或金融机构(包括发卡行)的代理人或声称其系该等代理人。


3.     您的万里付卡账户(“万里付卡账户”)

3.1.    为申请万里付卡,您同意首先开立一个万里付卡账户,作为您的万里汇账户的子账户,以便于使用服务。

3.2.    您理解并同意,万里付卡账户不得用作接收来自电商平台的资金的指定账户或接收除您的万里汇账户项下的货币账户(“货币账户”)外任何其他来源的资金。每次向您的万里付卡账户转账时,万里汇均将收取一笔不可退还的服务费。在您发起转账至您的万里付卡账户时,与该转账相关的所有费用将在相关网页上显示并不时更新。

3.3.    万里汇可对单日或特定期间内从您的货币账户向您的万里付卡账户转账的最高金额设定限额(“万里付卡账户限额”),万里付卡账户限额可由万里汇自行决定且可不时予以变更。万里付卡账户限额将列于万里汇网站的相关网页,万里汇将在合理可行的情况下通过更新万里汇网站相关网页或以任何其他方式向您通知对该限额作出的任何变更。

3.4.    您理解并同意,您的万里付卡账户中的任何资金只能转入您的单卡账户或您的万里汇账户中的货币账户。

3.5.    任何资金以不同于支持货币的币种转入您的万里付卡账户万里汇将按照万里汇确定的汇率兑换为支持货币,且万里汇可就该等转账收取外汇手续费和转账费用。

3.6.    如果您的万里付卡账户中的任何资金未在90日内汇入任何经批准的账户,万里汇可将该等资金转至您名下的账户或将该等资金原路退回。万里汇保留对任何退回资金收取费用的权利,且不对退回过程中产生的任何损失负责。

3.7.    万里汇有权在不通知您的情况下,随时将您的万里付卡账户中的资金用于清偿任何到期并应向万里汇偿还的债务,无论该等债务是现时的还是未来的、已确定金额的还是未确定金额的。


4.     您的单卡账户(“单卡账户”)

4.1.           在您的万里付卡申请获得批准后,您的万里汇账户下将就每一张获得批准的万里付卡开立一个与之关联的单卡账户。

4.2.           您理解并同意,您的单卡账户不得用作接收来自电商平台资金的指定账户或接收除您的万里付卡账户及(经万里汇批准)其他单卡账户之外任何其他来源的资金。

4.3.          您理解并同意,每一张万里付卡项下的拟议交易总额不得超过拟议交易(将通过关联的万里付卡进行付款的交易)之时相关单卡账户的余额。任何可能导致相关单卡账户余额不足的拟议交易将不会被实施。

4.4.          您理解并同意,单卡账户中的任何资金仅可用于结算通过相关万里付卡进行的交易,且相应金额将在该等交易进行之日和/或之后转入万里汇指定的账户(“WF指定账户”),或(经万里汇批准)划入您的万里汇账户中的万里付卡账户或其他单卡账户。在上述转账完成后,其他拟议交易(将通过该相关万里付卡进行付款的交易)的可用金额将减少。

4.5.          如果交易已记账至您的万里付卡(“已记账交易”),但尚未从关联的单卡账户向WF指定账户支付相应的转账,在此期间,万里汇可能对任何可能导致该单卡账户余额不足以支付该等已记帐交易的转出资金的指令施加限制。

4.6.          任何转入您的单卡账户的资金应以支持货币为单位。

4.7.          在您已通过您的万里付卡进行付款的交易日及之后,万里汇可在不通知您的情况下随时将您的单卡账户中的任何资金转至WF指定账户,以代您支付相关交易的付款项、与该等支付相关的任何适用费用(包括但不限于外汇手续费),以及因拟议或待完成交易过账之时适用的汇率与根据本协议第7条完成交易支付时适用的汇率之间的汇率差异而欠付万里汇的任何款项或外汇费用。

4.8.           如果您的单卡账户中的任何资金在90日内未被支付至或汇入任何经批准的账户,万里汇可将该等资金转至您名下的账户或将该等资金原路退回。万里汇保留对任何退回资金收取费用的权利,且不对退回过程中产生的任何损失负责。

4.9.          万里汇可在不通知您的情况下随时将您的单卡账户中的资金用于清偿任何到期并应向万里汇偿还的债务,无论该等债务是现时的或未来的、已确定金额的还是未确定金额的。


5.    您的万里付卡

5.1.           一旦获得万里汇和发卡行的批准,您的万里付卡即可用于根据本协议向第三方供应商或服务提供商进行付款,以购买用于您业务的产品或服务。

5.2.          无论申请结果如何,每次申请万里付卡均会被收取一笔不可退还的服务费。该等费用将在您申请万里付卡时的相关网页上显示并不时更新。

5.3.          万里汇将对每位用户申请的万里付卡的最大数量设定限额,该限额将列于万里汇网站的相关网页,并可由万里汇自行决定不时予以更改。万里汇将在合理可行的情况下通过更新万里汇网站相关网页或以任何其他方式通知您对该等限额作出的任何变更。

5.4.          为根据本协议使用万里付卡,您同意首先将资金从您的万里付卡账户转至与您准备用于拟议交易付款的万里付卡关联的相关单卡账户。

5.5.          拟通过万里付卡进行支付的拟议交易的金额不得超过(i)该万里付卡的单卡额度与该日在该万里付卡项下进行支付的交易总额之间的差额;及(ii)与之关联的单卡账户中的实际余额与任何在该日当天或之前已授权以该万里付卡向供应商或服务提供商进行支付但该等支付尚未完成的任何待完成交易总额之间的差额,以发生任何拟议交易之时的较低金额为准(“可用额度”)。任何超过相关可用额度的拟议交易,拟通过万里付卡进行的付款将被拒绝。

5.6.          万里汇可对通过万里付卡进行的单日交易的最大数量设定限额,该限额将列于万里汇网站的相关网页,并可由万里汇自行决定不时予以变更。万里汇将在合理可行的情况下通过更新万里汇网站相关网页或以任何其他方式通知您对该等限额作出的任何变更。

5.7.          您理解并同意,万里汇无法保证拟议交易将通过您的万里付卡进行支付。

5.8.          您承诺仅将万里付卡用于本协议项下允许的支付,即对发卡行所允许范围内的第三方供应商或服务提供商进行支付(部分发卡行所允许的第三方供应商或服务提供商将在万里汇网站相关网页显示并不时更新,具体详情请向万里汇商户管理服务团队查询)。为避免疑义,任何万里付卡均不得用于支付除发卡行所允许的第三方供应商或服务提供商之外的任何人士或实体所提供的产品和服务。

5.9.          您理解并同意,本协议项下提供的万里付卡并非信用卡。在使用您的万里付卡进行支付之前,请确保关联的单卡账户中的余额足以进行任何拟议交易的支付。

5.10.     您的万里付卡的详细信息(包括16位数字卡号、卡片验证码和到期日)(“卡片信息”)将显示在您的万里汇账户平台中,以便您根据本协议利用您的万里付卡进行交易支付。您有责任妥善保管好您的卡片信息。

5.11.     在支付网络被接受为支付方式的情况下,您的万里付卡可用于通过电话、互联网或任何经发卡行允许的在线支付方式进行购买活动。

5.12.     您的万里付卡不得用于现金透支、现金提款、任何线下交易、支付任何需要当面亲身交易或需要使用实体卡的交易。

5.13.     在获得发卡行和万里汇的批准以及符合第5.3条规定的限额的情况下,您可申请多张万里付卡,并且您的每一张万里付卡都应关联一个单卡账户。

5.14.     如果任何交易是以支付网络所支持的货币进行的,而该货币与支持货币不同,则支付网络或发卡行会将您的交易金额兑换为支持货币。您确认并同意,万里汇对发卡行或支付网络选择的汇率没有控制权;在上述货币兑换程序中,发卡行或支付网络可能会收取费用,该费用将从您的账户中扣除。於交易处理日有效的外币兑换汇率可能与出售日或付款转账处理日有效的汇率不同。


6.    限制

6.1.      您不得(或允许任何其他人)将您的万里付卡:

a.    用于购买可能对万里汇和发卡行造成运营、声誉或合规风险(包括但不限于反洗钱、制裁、欺诈和/或类似风险)的产品或服务;

b.    用于任何违法活动(包括但不限于购买根据香港法律、购买行为所在国法律或任何其他适用法律法规的规定属于非法或被禁止的产品或服务);

c.    用于赌博、下赌注或博彩活动; 

d.    以违反条款和条件的任何方式使用;或

e.    以违反万里汇、发卡行和/或任何服务提供商的合规义务的任何方式使用。

6.2.      如果您发现或怀疑您的万里付卡存在(或可能存在)上述任何使用情况,您必须立即告知我们。

6.3.      如果我们发现或有任何理由认为您的万里付卡的安全性受到威胁或存在本协议第6.1条所列的任何使用情况,我们可注销您的万里付卡账户、单卡账户及/或万里付卡,或者临时暂停其使用或对其使用实施任何限制。

6.4.      但是,您仍将对在注销之前通过您的万里付卡进行的所有交易承担责任。


7.    授权

7.1.      您特此要求并授权万里汇代表您从您的单卡账户中扣除任何资金,用于结算通过您的万里付卡支付的任何款项(结算服务)。您特此授权万里汇在收到由支付网络或发卡行发出的关于您拟议通过您的万里付卡进行任何交易的任何交易通知(交易通知)之任何时间将资金从您的单卡账户转账至WF指定账户,无论该等交易后来是否被取消。您确认,万里汇有权将从支付网络或发卡行收到的任何交易通知视为您自己发出的特定付款指令,您授权并同意万里汇根据交易通知从您的单卡账户转账进行款项结算。如果该等交易以不同于支持货币的货币进行,由支付网络或发卡行确定的汇率将适用于交易通知载明的金额,万里汇有权将该等金额以及由该等转账产生的任何费用从您的单卡账户转账至WF指定账户。

7.2.      您理解并同意,万里汇为支付或结算通过您的万里付卡进行的任何交易而从您的单卡账户转出资金时,万里汇无需提前通知您,万里汇亦无需与您核实该交易通知以及通过您的万里付卡进行的任何交易的真实性、准确性和有效性或者确认其是否符合您与相关第三方供应商或服务提供商已签订的任何合同。

7.3.      万里汇不会承担由其向您提供或您使用结算服务或本协议项下的其他服务而导致的任何损失或责任。任何其他损失和责任(包括由任何错误交易而导致的任何损失或责任)应由您与相关第三方供应商或服务提供商协商解决,或根据本协议第9条通过对交易提出争议的方式解决。

7.4.      如果您希望取消或修改您通过您的万里付卡与任何第三方供应商或服务提供商已进行的交易,请通过发送电子邮件至clientsupport@worldfirst.com.cn的方式联系万里汇。万里汇可以要求您提供其他信息和文件,包括第三方供应商或服务提供商已同意该等取消或修改的证据。如果您未能在交易日后的60日内提供所需提供的任何信息,万里汇可以拒绝您的诉求。


8.    客户信息

8.1.      您特此同意并授权万里汇:

a.      为您申请使用服务之目的,与发卡行交换并共享您的客户入驻信息,因为发卡行需要该等信息,以便允许您使用服务;及

b.      为您享用服务之目的,与发卡行和支付网络交换并共享交易信息。

8.2.      您同意,如果您向我们提供的信息发生任何变更,您将立即通知我们。

8.3.      我们将根据万里汇隐私政策(https://www.worldfirst.com/en-hk/disclaimer-policies/privacy/)不时收集、持有、使用、披露并传输您的个人数据,该政策可能不时进行更新。您理解并同意,在适用法律允许的范围内,为了促进万里汇提供服务,您就服务的使用向万里汇提供的任何数据可能与发卡行和支付网络共享。


9.    交易争议处理

9.1.      如果您认为通过您的万里付卡进行的任何交易系由第三方欺诈或未经授权使用所致,发卡行提供一套受限于支付网络规则和流程的争议交易处理程序。请通过发送电子邮件至clientsupport@worldfirst.com.cn方式通知我们发生争议的交易并索取交易争议表格。您应在交易日后的60日内按照万里汇的要求向我们发送填写完毕的表格,并提交所有需要的文件。如果您提出的争议不成立,您可能被收取费用。

9.2.      为了避免丧失您可能拥有对交易提出争议的任何权利,您应该:

(a)      在交易日后的60日内向我们发送电子邮件;及

(b)      向我们提供任何及所有我们所要求的信息以支持您的交易争议诉求。

9.3.      发卡行的操作规则规定了提出交易争议的时间限制。如果您未及时通知我们并向我们提供充足的信息,我们可能无法及时提交您提出的争议要求,发卡行可能无法对您提出的争议要求展开调查,则您需对交易承担责任。您有责任仔细审查您的交易记录,并安全保管您的卡片信息。如果您未能对交易及时提出争议,我们对您遭受的任何损失不承担责任。您特此同意使万里汇免受任何和所有可能由于任何发生争议的交易直接或间接产生的损失、损害、诉讼、权利主张和责任(包括在全额赔偿基础上的法律费用)。

9.4.      如果我们从发卡行收到的调查结果显示您有权撤销或修改一项交易,且发卡行已将一笔款项(退款金额)贷记给万里汇,用于退还争议成功之交易的款项,万里汇将把退款金额贷记至您的万里付卡账户。对于通过您的万里付卡进行的发生争议交易的金额与相关款项的退款金额之间的任何差额,万里汇不承担任何责任。万里汇保留权利,使用退款金额支付任何退款产生的或您的万里付卡账户、单卡账户和/或万里付卡所产生的任何费用,和/或结算您的其他拟议交易,和/或清偿任何已到期并应向万里汇偿还的债务,无论该等债务是现时的还是未来的、已确定金额的还是未确定金额的。

9.5.      我们无法保证对您所提出争议的交易展开调查所需用的时间,但是,我们将在收到发卡行的调查结果后尽快通知您。


10.  注销和终止

10.1.     如果您未遵守本协议的任何规定,我们可以在不提前通知您的情况下立即暂停、注销或关闭您的万里付卡账户、单卡账户和万里付卡。

10.2.     经万里汇事先批准,您可以注销您的万里付卡和/或关闭您的万里付卡账户。您理解并同意,您的万里付卡的注销将导致关联单卡账户同时关闭;关闭您的万里付卡账户将导致您所有的万里付卡和单卡账户被注销及关闭。

10.3.     您可以通过您的万里汇账户平台停用或重新激活万里付卡,届时关联的单卡账户将被相应地停用或重新激活。您一旦停用万里付卡,在您通过万里汇账户平台重新激活之前,您将无法使用该卡进行任何付款。

10.4.     您提出注销万里付卡或关闭单卡账户和/或万里付卡账户的要求须满足下列条件:

a.   全额结算您对万里汇的任何欠款;

b.   通过万里付卡进行的所有交易均已结算;

c.      不存在未解决的任何发生争议的交易;及

d.   我们认为能使万里汇和发卡行遵守其各自的合规义务所需要的任何其他条件。

10.5.     我们可以在未向您提供任何理由或提前发出任何通知的情况下随时暂停或注销您的任何万里付卡及其关联单卡账户。执行该操作时,我们可选择是否同时暂停或关闭您的万里付卡账户。

10.6.     我们亦可在未向您提供任何理由或提前发出任何通知的情况下随时暂停或关闭您的万里付卡账户。在您的万里付卡账户被关闭时,您所有的单卡账户和万里付卡也将被注销。

10.7.     如果您的万里付卡被暂停或注销,您必须取消或修改您就该万里付卡与相关第三方供应商或服务提供商设立或授权的任何付款安排。我们不会负责取消或转让任何该等安排。

10.8.     尽管本协议有任何其他规定,在您的万里付卡账户、单卡账户和/或万里付卡被关闭或注销之后,您仍对您应向万里汇支付的任何应缴款项承担责任。

10.9.     万里汇有权在任何时间立即终止本协议。在终止日,您的单卡账户应被关闭,您所有的万里付卡应被注销。

10.10.  您在本协议项下对万里汇的任何欠款应在终止日立即到期应付。您应在合理可行的情况下尽快在我们要求的期限内将该等欠款支付至我们指定的银行账户。

10.11.  除本协议另有规定的之外,万里汇可以在不提前通知或在网站上发布任何公告的情况下单方面取消或终止向您提供服务,并且对任何损害不承担责任,除非适用法律规定万里汇应提供补偿。如果万里汇自行认定您将服务用于任何非法、欺诈性或其他被禁止的活动或违反本协议,因此对万里汇造成损失,在万里汇终止本协议或停止提供服务之后,万里汇仍可要求您承担相应责任,万里汇将保留根据本协议第18条解决该事项的权利。


11.  服务限制



12.  赔偿责任



13.  责任限制

13.1.      我们对以下各项不承担责任:

a.  任何供应商或服务提供商拒绝接受您的万里付卡;或

b.  任何供应商或服务提供商向您提供的商品或服务存在任何缺陷或缺失。

13.2.     您必须自行解决针对任何供应商或服务提供商提出的任何投诉,任何针对供应商或服务提供商提出的任何权利主张不得向我们提出或作出抵销。

13.3.     在适用法律允许的最大范围内,万里汇不承担由于服务的使用或无法使用引起的任何间接、后果性、偶然、特殊或惩罚性的损害,包括由于服务的使用或无法使用引起的利润或收入损失、业务中断、丧失商业机会、数据损失或其他经济利益损失,无论是在合同、过失、侵权还是其他方面。尽管本协议有任何相反规定,万里汇承担的累积责任,包括对本协议项下或与其在本协议项下的义务相关的权利主张、费用、损害或赔偿义务承担的累积责任,不得超过以下两项中的较低者:(A) 500,000美元,或(B)您就服务应向万里汇支付的全部费用(若服务在追究责任的权利主张触发事件发生之日前的六(6)个完整公历月内提供)。

13.4.     如果您与任何其他方发生争议,您免除万里汇受偿主体由该等争议引起或以任何方式与该等争议相关的任何种类和性质的、已知和未知的权利主张、要求和损害(实际和后果性的)。


14.  系统暂停或故障

14.1.     如果由于任何下列原因导致系统未能正常操作使服务无法使用,您同意在适用法律允许的最大范围内,您将不要求万里汇受偿主体承担责任:

a.      万里汇提前公告的系统暂停;

b.      由于电信设备和系统故障导致数据传输失败;

c.      由于风暴、地震、海啸、水灾、停电、战争、恐怖袭击或超出我们合理控制范围的其他不可抗力事件出现的故障导致系统无法运行;或

d.      由于黑客攻击、网站升级、政府部门的作为或不作为禁止或阻碍了万里汇和/或其关联方提供服务或者第三方(如银行)不履约(因任何超出万里汇及其关联方合理控制范围的原因),而导致服务出现中断或延迟。

14.2.     停机 万里汇的网站(www.worldfirst.com)须进行维护、修理、检查、修改和改进,在此期间,万里汇向您提供的服务可能无法使用。如果任何预定的停机对万里汇向您提供的任何服务产生不利影响,万里汇将在其网站上或在合理可行的情况下通过任何其他方式通知您该等预定的停机时间。


15.  不可抗力



16.  通知



17.  修订



18.  适用法律和争端解决

18.1.     本协议应受香港法律管辖,并依其解释。您和万里汇同意不可撤销地服从香港法院的专属管辖权。尽管有上述规定,万里汇有权向有管辖权的任何法院寻求临时救济,例如初步禁令、财产或证据保全等。


19.  其他规定

19.1.     补充  本协议构成对条款和条件的补充。除本协议规定的事项之外,对于您与万里汇之间的所有其他万里汇账户相关事项,包括本协议项下未涉及的万里付卡账户和单卡账户相关的事项,请参阅条款和条件。

19.2.     可分割性  如果本协议的任何规定被认定为无效或不可执行,该项规定应被删除,其余规定应被执行。

19.3.     不放弃权利  万里汇未能或延迟行使其在本协议项下的任何权利,不得构成其对该等权利的放弃,也不构成对后续或类似违约放弃追究。放弃权利必须以书面形式作出方可生效。

19.4.     转让和不转让  万里汇有权将本协议(包括其在本协议项下的所有权利、权属、利益、权益、义务和责任)转让并出让给其任何关联方和任何权益继承人。万里汇可以将其在本协议项下的任何权利和责任委托给其关联方、独立承包商或其他第三方。尽管如此,您不得将本协议全部或部分转让或出让给任何个人或主体。

19.5.     服务提供商  您理解并同意,万里汇可以通过我们的关联方、银行及/或其他金融机构(服务提供商)向您提供服务,您理解万里汇未以任何身份担任或声称担任任何银行及/或金融机构的代理人。


20.  第三方权利



21.  语言


WorldFirst Virtual Card Service Agreement

This WorldFirst Virtual Card Service Agreement (this “Agreement") is entered into between World First Asia Limited (hereinafter referred to as “WorldFirst”, “we” or “us”) and user (hereinafter referred to as “user”, “customer” or “you”) of the World Account (as defined in part A of Background below) in respect of your use of WorldFirst Virtual Card (as defined below in clause 1.12), Virtual Card Account (as defined below in clause 1.11), Virtual Card Customer Account (as defined below in clause 1.10) and other related matters.

Effective contract

If you click on “I Agree” to confirm and accept this Agreement, you have reached an agreement with WorldFirst and agree to accept this entire Agreement. Before accepting this Agreement, please read the entire contents of this Agreement carefully. If you do not agree with any of the contents of this Agreement, please do not click to accept. If you have any questions about this Agreement, please inquire by emailing WorldFirst's merchant services and management team at clientsupport@worldfirst.com.cn (WorldFirst Merchant Management Team). The WorldFirst Merchant Management Team will be happy to serve you and explain.


(A)         You have agreed to World Account Asia Terms and Conditions together with the Privacy Policy, Terms of Use (together, “Terms and Conditions”) which set out the terms governing the services provided by WorldFirst to you and the use of your account opened with WorldFirst (“World Account”).

(B)         You request for WorldFirst Virtual Card, Virtual Card Account and Virtual Card Customer Account services provided by WorldFirst as set out under this Agreement (the “Service”).

(C)         Once your application for WorldFirst Virtual Card, Virtual Card Account and Virtual Card Customer Account have been approved by WorldFirst and/or the Issuing Bank (if applicable), you will use your WorldFirst Virtual Card, Virtual Card Account and Virtual Card Customer Account and any other related products or services in accordance with the terms set out below.

1.     Definitions

1.1        Compliance Obligation” means together, (i) the obligations of the WorldFirst and its affiliates to comply with laws, Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing (Financial Institutions) Ordinance, international guidance, internal policies or procedures, requests and/or demands from authorities such as reporting and/or disclosure obligations and laws requiring us to verify the identity of our customers; and (ii) the obligations of the Issuing Bank and its affiliates to comply with the laws, regulations, rules, requirements, judgment, decree, licensing commitment, order or directive, including, without limitation, any global, federal, country, state or local laws, rules and regulations and including those issued by governmental or regulatory authorities having jurisdiction over the Issuing Bank or its affiliates, that are applicable to the Issuing Bank, its affiliate or their business or which the Issuing Bank or its affiliate is otherwise subject to, requests and/or demands from legal, governmental or regulatory authority, or agreement entered into by the Issuing Bank and any governmental authority.

1.2        Customer Onboarding Information” means the information you provide to WorldFirst to use the Services, which includes but not limited to:

a.    identification information about your company, shareholders and owners (including but not limited to the name, address and email address) and the documents to verify the information provided; and

b.    information about your shop or business such the shop URL, shop MCC (i.e. industry classification) and shop location.

1.3        Issuing Bank means the bank incorporated in Hong Kong, and licensed to issue a bank card pursuant to the agreement entered or to be entered into between the Issuing Bank and WorldFirst.

1.4         “Payment Network” means Mastercard Asia/Pacific Pte. Ltd. and its affiliates and any other similar scheme.

1.5        Supported Currency” means (i) the currency in which the Transaction will be posted to your WorldFirst Virtual Card, which as of the date of this Agreement is agreed to be USD; or (ii) any other currency that is separately agreed and confirmed by WorldFirst.

1.6        Spending Limit” means the pre-established spending limit listed on the relevant webpage of WorldFirst’s website, set by WorldFirst for each WorldFirst Virtual Card in a single day. The Spending Limit of a WorldFirst Virtual Card will be reduced by the amount of every Transaction within a single day. WorldFirst is entitled to lower or raise the Spending Limit at any time and will inform you of such change via updates on relevant webpage of WorldFirst’s website or any other means as soon as reasonably practicable.  

1.7        Transaction” means the online transactions with a third-party vendor or a service provider permitted by the Issuing Bank, payment of which will be made through the WorldFirst Virtual Card.

1.8        Termination Date” means the date on which this Agreement is deemed to come to an end and the obligations which it enforces cease to be enforceable, except those clauses that specifically state that they survive termination.

1.9         “Transactional Information” means the information of your transactions in relation to your Virtual Card Customer Account, WorldFirst Virtual Card and Virtual Card Account, including but not limited to your name, account balance, transfer and payment records.

1.10      “Virtual Card Customer Account” / “VCCA” means a sub-account of your World Account. All funds in VCCA must be received from your World Account to enable Transactions to be made via the WorldFirst Virtual Card(s) in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

1.11     Virtual Card Account” / “VCA” means a sub-account of your World Account that is associated with a WorldFirst Virtual Card. All funds in VCA must be received from the VCCA. The amount of the proposed Transaction will be subject to and no more than the balance of the VCA.

1.12     WorldFirst Virtual Card” means a transaction account number allocated by WorldFirst to a World Account user to be used for payment of the Transactions.

2.    Representation and Warranty

You hereby make the representations and warranties to WorldFirst that:

2.1      you have the legal capacity and full power and authority to enter into, exercise your rights and perform and comply with your obligations under this Agreement, and this Agreement constitutes valid and binding obligations on and against you in accordance with its terms;

2.2      you are not a payment intermediary or financial institution;

2.3      you hold all authorizations, consents, exemptions and licenses required to be held under any law, rule or regulation governing your activities pursuant to this Agreement;

2.4      you will fully comply with all applicable laws and regulations, as well as the principles and guidelines issued by the relevant government authorities for the enforcement thereof;

2.5      your business is operated and will be operated in your place of incorporation and that use of the Service will be limited to the jurisdiction or area where such Service is offered by WorldFirst;

2.6      in the event that the information provided to WorldFirst includes any information of a third party (including but not limited to your subsidiaries, affiliates, successors and/or assignees, as well as where relevant your company’s officers, directors, employees and agents), such third party should have been made aware of the scope of information being disclosed and the purpose of the disclosure (which information can be found in the WorldFirst Privacy Policy); and you further warrant that such third party’s consent has been obtained to allow the use of its information according to this Agreement and that all information provided is true, accurate and valid;

2.7      you undertake that you will use the WorldFirst Virtual Card to make payment to third party vendors or service providers for your legitimate business purpose only and not for your internal purpose; and

2.8      you understand that WorldFirst is not acting, or holding itself out, as an agent of any bank and/or financial institute including the Issuing Bank in any capacity.

3.     Your Virtual Card Customer Account (“VCCA”)

3.1.    To apply for WorldFirst Virtual Card, you agree to first open a VCCA as a sub-account of your World Account to facilitate the use of the Service.

3.2.    You understand and agree that VCCA should not be used as a designated account to receive funds from marketplace platforms or any source other than the currency account(s) under your World Account (“CA”). A non-refundable service fee will be charged by WorldFirst on each transfer to your VCCA. All fees related to any transfer to your VCCA will be shown and updated from time to time on the relevant webpage when you initiate such transfer.   

3.3.    WorldFirst may impose limits on the maximum transfer amount from your CA to your VCCA in a single day or for a specific period of time (“VCCA Limits”) and the VCCA Limits are subject to change from time to time in WorldFirst’s absolute discretion. The VCCA Limits will be listed on relevant webpage of WorldFirst’s website and WorldFirst will inform you of any change of it via updates on relevant webpage of WorldFirst’s website or any other means where it is reasonably practicable.

3.4.    You understand and agree that any fund in your VCCA may only be transferred to your VCA(s) or the currency account(s) in your World Account.

3.5.    Any fund transferred into your VCCA in a currency that is different from the Supported Currency will be converted into a Supported Currency at a rate determined by WorldFirst and WorldFirst may charge a foreign exchange fee and a payment fee in relation to such transfer.  

3.6.    In the event that any funds in your VCCA have not been sent out to any approved account(s) within 90 days, WorldFirst may transfer such funds to an account in your name or return such funds to the source of fund. WorldFirst reserves the right to charge a fee for any returned funds and is not responsible for any losses incurred during the return process.

3.7.    WorldFirst is entitled to at any time, without notice to you, apply funds in your VCCA to settle any liability due and payable to WorldFirst, whether the liability is present or future, liquidated or unliquidated.

4.     Your Virtual Card Account (“VCA”)

4.1.           When your application for WorldFirst Virtual Card(s) has been approved, a VCA in connection with each approved WorldFirst Virtual Card will be opened under your World Account.

4.2.           You understand and agree that your VCA(s) should not be used as a designated account to receive funds from marketplace platforms or any source other than your VCCA and  (subject to WorldFirst’s approval)other VCA(s).

4.3.           You understand and agree that the total amount of the proposed Transactions under each WorldFirst Virtual Card should not be more than the balance in the relevant VCA at the time of the proposed Transaction(s), payment of which are intended to be made via the associated WorldFirst Virtual Card. Any proposed Transaction which may result in insufficient balance of the relevant VCA will not be proceeded.   

4.4.           You understand and agree that any fund in a VCA may only be used for settlement of a Transaction made via relevant WorldFirst Virtual Card and the corresponding amount will be transferred to an account designated by WorldFirst (the “WF Account”) on and/or after the date such Transaction is made or (subject to WorldFirst’s approval) to be sent to the VCCA or other VCA(s) in your World Account. The available amount of other proposed Transaction(s) (payment of which is intended to be made via the relevant WorldFirst Virtual Card) will be reduced following the above transfer(s).

4.5.           In the event that a Transaction is posted to your WorldFirst Virtual Card (the “Posted Transactions”) but the corresponding transfer to the WF Account has not yet been made from the associated VCA, WorldFirst may impose restrictions on any instruction of transfer of fund out of the associated VCA which may lead to an insufficiency of balance in such VCA to cover these Posted Transactions. 

4.6.           Any fund transferred to your VCA should be in the Supported Currency.

4.7.           On and after the Transaction date which a payment has been made via your WorldFirst Virtual Card(s), WorldFirst may at any time, without notice to you transfer any funds in your VCA to WF Account for WorldFirst to make the payment of the relevant Transaction(s) on your behalf, any applicable fee (including but not limited to foreign exchange fee) in related to such payment and any amount or foreign exchange costs owed to WorldFirst due to difference in the foreign exchange rates between the rates applicable at the time of posting of the proposed or pending Transaction and of completion of the Transaction payment pursuant to clause 7 of this Agreement.

4.8.           In the event that any funds in your VCA have not been paid out or sent to any approved account(s) within 90 days, WorldFirst may transfer such funds to an account in your name or return such funds to the source of fund. WorldFirst reserves the right to charge a fee for any returned funds and is not responsible for any losses incurred during the return process.

4.9.              WorldFirst may at any time, without notice to you, apply funds in your VCA to settle any liability that due and payable to WorldFirst, whether the liability is present or future, liquidated or unliquidated.

5.    Your WorldFirst Virtual Card

5.1.           Your WorldFirst Virtual Card(s), once approved by WorldFirst and the Issuing Bank,  can be used to make payment to third party vendor or service provider for purchase of goods or services for your business use in accordance with this Agreement.

5.2.      A non-refundable service fee will be charged on each application of a WorldFirst Virtual Card regardless of the result of such application. Such fee will be shown and updated from time to time on the relevant webpage when you apply for a WorldFirst Virtual Card.

5.3.      WorldFirst will impose limit on the maximum number of the WorldFirst Virtual Card(s) applied by each user which will be listed on relevant webpage of WorldFirst’s website and subject to change from time to time in WorldFirst’s discretion. WorldFirst will inform you of any change of such limit via updates on relevant webpage of WorldFirst’s website or any other means where it is reasonably practicable. 

5.4.      To use a WorldFirst Virtual Card in accordance with this Agreement, you agree to first make a transfer of fund from your VCCA to the relevant VCA associated to the WorldFirst Virtual Card that you intended to use for making payment of the proposed Transaction(s).

5.5.      The amount of proposed Transaction, payment of which is intended to be made via a WorldFirst Virtual Card, shall not exceed (i) the difference between the Spending Limit of such WorldFirst Virtual Card and the sum of the Transactions whose payments are made under this WorldFirst Virtual Card on that day; and (ii) the difference between the actual balance in the VCA associated to it and the sum of any pending Transaction whereby payment authorization is granted to the vendor or service provider on or before that day but such payment under this WorldFirst Virtual Card is yet to be completed, whichever is lower at the time of any proposed Transaction (the “Available Quota”). Payment for any proposed Transaction via the WorldFirst Virtual Card that exceeds the Available Quota associated to it will be declined.

5.6.      WorldFirst may impose limits on the maximum number of Transaction that can be made via a WorldFirst Virtual Card in a single day which will be listed on relevant webpage of WorldFirst’s website and subject to change from time to time in WorldFirst’s discretion. WorldFirst will inform you of any change of such limit via updates on relevant webpage of WorldFirst’s website or any other means where it is reasonably practicable. 

5.7.      You understand and agree that WorldFirst cannot guarantee that payment for the proposed Transaction will be made via your WorldFirst Virtual Card.

5.8.      You undertake that you will only use the WorldFirst Virtual Card towards payments permitted under this Agreement, i.e. for a third-party vendor or service provider permitted by Issuing Bank (examples of the third-party vendor or service provider permitted by Issuing Bank will be listed and updated from time to time on relevant webpage of WorldFirst’s website; for details, please contact WorldFirst Merchant Management Team). For the avoidance of doubt, no WorldFirst Virtual Card shall be used for the payment of goods and services provided by any person or entity other than a third-party vendor or service provider permitted by Issuing Bank.

5.9.      You understand and agree that the WorldFirst Virtual Card(s) offered under this Agreement is not a credit card. Before making a payment using your WorldFirst Virtual Card, please ensure that sufficient balance is maintained in the associated VCA for payment of any proposed Transaction.

5.10.     The details of your WorldFirst Virtual Card (including a 16-digit card number, CVV and expiry date) (the “Card Details”) will be shown in your World Account platform for you to leverage your WorldFirst Virtual Card for payment of the Transactions in accordance with this Agreement. You are responsible to safeguard the Card Details.

5.11.   Your WorldFirst Virtual Card may be used to make purchase over the phone or the internet or in any online payment permitted by the Issuing Bank by entering your Card Details where Payment Network is accepted as a means of payment.

5.12.   Your WorldFirst Virtual Card cannot be used to make cash advance, cash withdrawal, any offline payment, a payment in person or in any transaction which requires the use of a physical card.

5.13.   You may apply for more than one WorldFirst Virtual Card subject to the approval of the Issuing Bank and WorldFirst and to the limitation set above in clause 5.3 and each of your WorldFirst Virtual Card should be linked to a VCA.

5.14.   If any Transaction is made in a currency supported by Payment Network but different from the Supported Currency, the amount of your Transaction will be converted by the Payment Network or the Issuing Bank into the Supported Currency. You acknowledge and agree that WorldFirst has no control over the rates selected by the Issuing Bank or Payment Network; and the Issuing Bank or Payment Network may charge a fee as part of this conversion process which will be deducted from your account. The foreign currency conversion rate in effect on the applicable processing date for a Transaction may differ from the rate in effect on the sale or processing date on payment transfer.

6.    Restrictions

6.1.      You must not (or allow anyone else to) use your WorldFirst Virtual Card:

a.    to purchase of goods or service which impose operational, reputation or compliance risks (including but not limited to Anti-Money Laundering, sanctions, fraud and/or similar risks)  on WorldFirst and the Issuing Bank;

b.    for any unlawful activity (including but not limited to a purchase of goods or services that is illegal or prohibited by the laws of Hong Kong, the laws of the country where the purchase is made or any other applicable laws and regulations);

c.    in connection with gambling, wagering or betting activities; 

d.    in any manner in breach of the Terms and Conditions; or

e.    in any manner in breach of the Compliance Obligation of WorldFirst, Issuing Bank and/or any Service Provider.

6.2.      You must tell us immediately if you become aware or suspect that your WorldFirst Virtual Card has (or may have) been used in any of the above ways.

6.3.      We may cancel or temporarily suspend or impose any restriction on the use of your VCCA, VCA and/or your WorldFirst Virtual Card if we become aware of or have any reason to believe that the security of your WorldFirst Virtual Card is compromised or it has been used in any of the ways listed in clause 6.1 of this Agreement.

6.4.      You will however remain liable for all Transactions made through your WorldFirst Virtual Card(s) prior to its cancellation. 

7.    Authorisation

7.1.      You hereby request and authorise WorldFirst to deduct any fund on your behalf from your VCA for settlement of any payment made via your WorldFirst Virtual Card (the “Settlement Service”). You hereby authorise WorldFirst to transfer funds from your VCA to WF Account at any time when WorldFirst receives any transaction notification from the Payment Network or the Issuing Bank (the “Transaction Notice”) regarding any Transaction you intend to make via your WorldFirst Virtual Card regardless of whether such Transaction is cancelled later. You confirm that WorldFirst is entitled to take any Transaction Notice received from Payment Network or the Issuing Bank as a specific payment order provided by yourself, and you authorize and consent to WorldFirst transferring funds from your VCA to make a settlement for a payment according to the Transaction Notice. If such Transaction is made in a currency different from a Supported Currency, the exchange rate determined by the Payment Network or the Issuing Bank will be applied for amount set out under the Transaction Notice and WorldFirst is entitled to transfer such amount, together with any fee arising from such transfer, from your VCA to the WF Account.

7.2.      You understand and agree that WorldFirst will not be required to notify you in advance when WorldFirst make such transfer of funds out of your VCA for payment or settlement of any Transaction made via your WorldFirst Virtual Card, nor will WorldFirst be required to verify with you the authenticity, accuracy and validity of the Transaction Notice and any Transaction made via your WorldFirst Virtual Card, or whether it is in compliance with any contract you have entered into with related third party vendor or service provider.   

7.3.      WorldFirst will not be liable for any loss or liability arising out of its provision or your use of the Settlement Service or other services provided under this Agreement. Any other losses and liabilities, including any losses or liabilities incurred if any Transaction is made incorrectly, should be resolved by you with the related third party vendor or service provider, or by disputing a Transaction in accordance with clause 9 of this Agreement.

7.4.      In the event that you wish to cancel or amend the Transaction you have made through your WorldFirst Virtual Card with any third-party vendor or service provider, please contact WorldFirst through email at clientsupport@worldfirst.com.cn. WorldFirst may require you to provide additional information and documents, including evidence that the third-party vendor or service provider has consented to such cancellation or amendment. WorldFirst may deny your request if you fail to provide any requested information within 60 days after the Transaction date.

8.    Information of Customer

8.1.      You hereby consent and authorize WorldFirst to:

a.      exchange and share your Customer Onboarding Information with the Issuing Bank for your subscription of the Service as the Issuing Bank requires such information in order to allow your use of the Service; and

b.      exchange and share the Transactional Information with the Issuing Bank and the Payment Network for the purpose of your enjoyment of the Service.

8.2.      You agree to notify us immediately if there is any change of the information you provided to us.

8.3.      We will from time to time collect, hold, use, disclose and transfer your personal data in accordance with the WorldFirst Privacy Policy (https://www.worldfirst.com/en-hk/disclaimer-policies/privacy/), which may be updated from time to time. You understand and agree that, to the extent permitted by applicable law, any data you provide to WorldFirst in connection with your use of the Service may be shared with the Issuing Bank and the Payment Network to facilitate WorldFirst’s provision of the Service.

9.    Dispute Management

9.1.      If you believe that any transaction via your WorldFirst Virtual Card is the result of fraud or unauthorized use by a third party, the Issuing Bank offers a dispute process subject to rules and procedures of the Payment Network. To notify us of a disputed Transaction, please contact us and request a Transaction dispute form by email at clientsupport@worldfirst.com.cn. You shall send us the completed form and submit all required documentation as and when requested by WorldFirst within 60 days after the date of the Transaction. You may be charged a fee if your dispute is not substantiated.

9.2.      To avoid losing any rights you may have to dispute such a Transaction, you should:

(a)      email us within 60 days after the date of the Transaction; and

(b)      provide us with any and all information we ask for to support your request.

9.3.      The operating rules of the Issuing Bank imposes time limits for raising a dispute. If you do not notify us and provide us with sufficient information timely, we may not be able to submit your request in time and the Issuing Bank may be unable to start an investigation into it, in which case you will be liable for the Transaction. It is your responsibility to review carefully your Transaction record and safely guard your Card Details. We are not responsible for any loss to you if you do not dispute a Transaction in time. You hereby agree to hold WorldFirst harmless any and all losses, damages, actions, claims and liabilities (including legal costs on a full indemnity basis) which may arise, directly or indirectly, from any disputed Transaction.

9.4.      If we receive the investigation result from the Issuing Bank that you are entitled to reverse or amend a Transaction and the Issuing Bank has credited an amount (the “Refunded Amount”) to WorldFirst for refund of payment of the successfully disputed Transaction, WorldFirst will credit the Refunded Amount to your VCCA. WorldFirst would not be responsible for any difference between the amount of disputed Transaction made via your WorldFirst Virtual Card and the Refunded Amount of the relevant payment. WorldFirst reserves the right to apply the Refunded Amount against any charges incurred on the refund or on your VCCA, VCA and/or WorldFirst Virtual Card, and/or for settlement of your other proposed Transaction(s); and/or to settle any liability that is due and payable to WorldFirst, whether the liability is present or future, liquidated or unliquidated.  

9.5.      We cannot guarantee the time it may take for the investigation of your disputed Transaction but we will inform you as soon as possible once we receive result from the Issuing Bank.

10.  Cancellation and termination

10.1.     If you fail to comply with any provision under this Agreement, we may suspend, cancel or close your VCCA, VCA and WorldFirst Virtual Card immediately without prior notice to you.

10.2.     Subject to WorldFirst’s prior approval, you may cancel your WorldFirst Virtual Card(s) and/or close your VCCA. You understand and agree that cancellation of your WorldFirst Virtual Card(s) will result in closure of the associated VCA(s) at the same time; and the closure of your VCCA will result in cancellation of all of your WorldFirst Virtual Card(s) and VCA(s). .

10.3.     You may suspend and reactivate the use of a WorldFirst Virtual Card via your World Account platform, and the associated VCA will be suspended or reactivated accordingly. Once you have suspended the use of a WorldFirst Virtual Card, you cannot use it for making any payment until it is reactivated by you via the World Account platform. 

10.4.     Any request of cancellation of a WorldFirst Virtual Card or closure of a VCA and/or VCCA initiated by you is subject to:

a.      full settlement of any amount you owe to WorldFirst;

b.      all Transactions via WorldFirst Virtual Card have been settled;

c.      there being no unresolved disputed Transaction; and

d.      any other conditions that we consider necessary to enable WorldFirst and Issuing Bank to comply with their respective Compliance Obligations.

10.5.     We may suspend or cancel any of your WorldFirst Virtual Card and its connected VCA at anytime without giving you any reason or prior notice. We may do this with or without suspending or closing your VCCA.

10.6.     We may also suspend or close your VCCA at anytime without giving you any reason or prior notice. When your VCCA is closed, all of your VCA(s) and WorldFirst Virtual Card(s) will also be cancelled.

10.7.     If your WorldFirst Virtual Card is suspended or cancelled, you must cancel or modify any arrangements set up or authorized by you in respect of that WorldFirst Virtual Card with the relevant third party vendor or service provider. We are not responsible for cancelling or transferring any such arrangements.

10.8.     Notwithstanding any other provisions in this Agreement, you remain liable for any amount due by you to WorldFirst even after closure or cancellation of your VCCA, VCA and/or WorldFirst Virtual Card.

10.9.     WorldFirst is entitled to terminate this Agreement immediately at any time. On the Termination Date, your VCA(s) shall be closed and all of your WorldFirst Virtual Card(s) shall be cancelled.

10.10.  Any sums owed by you to WorldFirst under this Agreement shall become immediately due and payable on the Termination Date. You shall pay such sums into a bank account nominated by us as soon as is reasonably practicable within the time period required by us.

10.11.  Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, WorldFirst may unilaterally cancel or terminate the provision of the Service to you without prior notice or any announcement on the website, and shall not be liable for any damages unless the applicable law provides that WorldFirst shall provide compensation.  If in WorldFirst’s sole discretion you have used the Service for any illegal, fraudulent or other prohibited activity or in violation of this Agreement, thereby resulting in loss to WorldFirst, WorldFirst may still request you to bear the corresponding liability after WorldFirst terminates this Agreement or discontinues the provision of the Services, and WorldFirst will retain the right to resolve the matter in accordance with clause 18 of this Agreement.


11.  Limitation of Service

Notwithstanding any limitations described elsewhere in this Agreement, WorldFirst may establish general practices and limits concerning the use of the Service, including individual or aggregate Transaction limits on the value or number of Transactions during any specified time period(s). WorldFirst reserves the right to change, suspend or discontinue any aspect of the Service at any time, including hours of operation or availability of the Service, without notice and without liability. WorldFirst also reserves the right to impose limits on certain Service features or restrict your access to some or all of the Service without notice and without liability. WorldFirst may decline to process any Transaction payment or instructions without prior notice to you. In particular, WorldFirst shall have the right to refuse to provide the Service if WorldFirst has reason to believe that (a) the Service is misaligned with the terms and conditions in the applicable contract, (b) the Service may violate any laws, rules or regulations or may otherwise subject WorldFirst or any of our affiliates to liability, or (c) you have used the Service for any illegal, fraudulent or other prohibited activity or in violation of this Agreement.


12.  Indemnity

To the full extent permitted by applicable law, you agree to indemnify WorldFirst, its affiliates and its employees, directors, officers, agents and representatives (collectively, the "WorldFirst Indemnified Persons") and to hold them harmless from any and all losses, damages, actions, claims and liabilities (including legal costs on a full indemnity basis) which may arise, directly or indirectly, including but not limited to any loss, damages, actions, claims and liabilities incurred by WorldFirst under the agreement between WorldFirst and the Issuing Bank, from your use of the Service or from your breach of this Agreement. WorldFirst reserves the right, at its own expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by you, in which event you shall cooperate with WorldFirst in asserting any available defenses.


13.  Limitation of Liability

13.1.      We are not liable for:

a.  the refusal of any vendor or service provider to accept your WorldFirst Virtual Card; or

b.  any defect or deficiency in goods or services supplied to you by any vendor or service providers.

13.2.     You must resolve any complaint against any vendor or service provider yourself and no claim against any of them may be made against or set off against us.

13.3.     To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, WorldFirst shall not be liable for any indirect, consequential, incidental, special or punitive damages, including damages for loss of profits or revenues, business interruption, loss of business opportunities, loss of data or loss of other economic interests, whether in contract, negligence, tort or otherwise, arising from the use of or inability to use the Service. NOTWITHSTANDING ANYTHING IN THIS AGREEMENT TO THE CONTRARY, WORLDFIRST’S CUMULATIVE LIABILITY, INCLUDING FOR CLAIMS, EXPENSES, DAMAGES OR INDEMNITY OBLIGATIONS UNDER OR IN CONNECTION WITH ITS OBLIGATIONS UNDER THIS AGREEMENT, WILL NOT EXCEED THE LESSER OF (A) USD$500,000 OR (B) THE TOTAL FEES PAYABLE BY YOU TO WORLDFIRST FOR THE SERVICES, WHERE SUCH SERVICES ARE PROVIDED IN THE SIX (6) COMPLETE CALENDAR MONTHS PRECEDING THE DATE OF THE EVENT GIVING RISE TO THE CLAIM UPON WHICH LIABILITY IS BASED.

13.4.     If you have a dispute with any other party, you release the WorldFirst Indemnified Persons from claims, demands and damages (actual and consequential) of every kind and nature, known and unknown, arising out of or in any way connected with such disputes.


14.  Suspension or Breakdown of Systems

14.1.     If the Service is unavailable as a result of the improper operation of the systems due to any of the following reasons, you agree that, to the full extent permitted by applicable law, you will not hold the WorldFirst Indemnified Persons liable:

a.      system suspension which has been announced by WorldFirst in advance;

b.      failure in data transmission due to a breakdown in telecommunications equipment and systems;

c.      failure in system operations due to a breakdown resulting from a storm, earthquake, tsunami, flood, electricity blackout, war, terrorist attack or other force majeure events which are beyond our reasonable control; or

d.      interruption or delay in the Service due to hacking, website upgrades, acts or omissions of a government authority prohibiting or impeding WorldFirst and/or its affiliates from providing the Service, or the non-performance by a third party (e.g. banks) for any reasons beyond the reasonable control of WorldFirst and its affiliates.

14.2.     Downtime. WorldFirst’s website (www.worldfirst.com) is subject to maintenance, repairs, inspections, modifications and improvements, during which the service provided by WorldFirst to you may not be available. To the extent that any scheduled downtime adversely affects any services provided to you by WorldFirst, such scheduled downtime will be notified by WorldFirst to you with reasonable notice on WorldFirst’s website or via any other means where it is reasonably practicable.


15.  Force Majeure

If WorldFirst fails to perform or is delayed in performing its obligations under this Agreement due to events, circumstances or causes beyond its reasonable control including but not limited to (i) fire, flood, element of nature or other act of God, (ii) outbreak or escalation of hostilities, war, riot or civil disorder, or act of terrorism; (iii) internet failure, computer, telecommunications, electrical power failure or any other equipment failure; (iv) malfunctions of communications facilities or systems beyond WorldFirst's reasonable control or anticipation; (v) labor dispute (whether or not employees’ demands are reasonable or within the Party’s power to satisfy), (vi) act or omission of a government authority prohibiting or impeding the affected Party (or its Affiliates or agents) from performing its obligations under this Agreement, including order of a domestic or foreign court or tribunal, governmental restriction, sanctions, restriction on foreign exchange controls, etc. (vii) acts or omissions of a government agency prohibiting or impeding the affected entity (or its Affiliates or representatives) from performing its obligations under the Agreement, including orders of domestic or foreign courts or tribunals, governmental restrictions, sanctions, restrictions on foreign exchange controls, etc or (viii) the nonperformance by a third party for any similar cause beyond the reasonable control of WorldFirst (collectively,  a “Force Majeure Event”), then WorldFirst shall not be held responsible for any loss or damage which may be incurred by you as a result of the Force Majeure Event, and WorldFirst will give notice to you as soon as reasonably practicable after being aware of the Force Majeure Event. In such circumstances, WorldFirst shall be entitled to a reasonable extension of the time for performing its obligations under this Agreement.


16.  Notice

Any correspondence and/ or information in connection with and/or arising from the operation of the Service, notice or any amendment to this Agreement that is sent by us to you shall be considered to have been sent and received by you at the same time.


17.  Amendments

We may from time to time by notice to you, change any of these terms of this Agreement. Such changes will become effective and binding on you on the effective date specified by us and will apply to the use of your VCCA, WorldFirst Virtual Card and VCA. Your use of the Service after the effective date of any change will constitute your acceptance of such change. If you do not accept any proposed change, your VCCA, WorldFirst Virtual Card and VCA must be terminated in accordance with clause 10 prior to the effective date of the change.


18.  Governing law and dispute resolution

18.1.     This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong. You and WorldFirst agree to irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong. Notwithstanding the above, WorldFirst is entitled to seek interim relief, such as preliminary injunction, preservation of property or evidence, etc., in any court of competent jurisdiction.


19.  Miscellaneous

19.1.     Supplement. This Agreement serves as a supplement to the Terms and Conditions. Except for the matters stipulated in this Agreement, please refer to the Terms and Conditions for all other World Account related matters between you and WorldFirst including matters related to the VCCA and VCA which are not covered under this Agreement.

19.2.     Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be deleted and the remaining provisions shall be enforced.

19.3.     No Waiver of right. Any failure or delay by WorldFirst to exercise any of its rights under this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of such right or a waiver with respect to subsequent or similar breach. A waiver shall be effective only if made in writing.

19.4.     Assignment and Non-assignment. WorldFirst shall have the right to assign and transfer this Agreement (including all of its rights, titles, benefits, interests, and obligations and duties in this Agreement) to any of its affiliates and to any successor in interest. WorldFirst may delegate any of WorldFirst’s rights and responsibilities under this Agreement to its affiliates, independent contractors or other third parties. Nonetheless, you may not assign or transfer, in whole or part, this Agreement to any person or entity.

19.5.     Service provider. You understand and agree that WorldFirst may provide you the Service through our affiliates, banks and/or other financial institutes (“Service Provider”) and you understand that WorldFirst is not acting, or holding itself out, as an agent of any bank and/or financial institute in any capacity.


20.  Third Party Rights

A person who is not a party to this Agreement has no rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Cap 623), to enforce any term of this Agreement save that where the obligations of the user under this Agreement are owed to WorldFirst’s affiliates, each of such affiliate may enforce the terms of this Agreement against the user.


21.  Language

This Agreement is in both English and Chinese. In the event of any inconsistency between the original English version and the Chinese version, the English version will prevail and will therefore be the binding version for us.