
World Card 常见问题

基础信息 Basic Info


  • 什么是 World Card ?与之前的万里付卡有什么区别?

World Card 是万里汇最新推出的独立发卡的卡产品,老版的万里付卡为万里汇与合作银行共同推出的卡产品,对比之下,World Card 的主要亮点如下:

  1. 操作简便,无需操作万里付卡账户的资金转入。
  2. 余额共享,消费时直接扣减万里汇账户余额。
  3. 多币种卡,支持多达15个常用币种的同币种扣款。
  4. 安全可靠,支持3D Secure (3DS) 和Address Verification System (AVS)验证方式,减少风险。
  5. 支持账单下载。
  6. 未来会逐步推出更多新功能:员工卡、支持绑定Google Pay/Apple Pay、实体卡等。

  •  What is World Card and how it differs from the previous World Card?

World Card is our new self-issued card product, which constitutes a significant upgrade from our previous card produced with our banking partners. The key enhancements include:

  1. Easy to use as users can directly make payments using World Card with the balance from your World Account without having to transfer the funds to World Card first.
  2. Sharing of balance as there is direct deduction from the balance in the users' World Account when using the card for spending.
  3. Flexible as the multi-currency World Card enables the users to pay in 15 major currencies for same-currency transactions.
  4. Safe and reliable with enhanced security via 3DS and AVS verification methods to reduce fraud risk.
  5. Support the function of downloading card statements.
  6. Further features will be gradually introduced soon, including employee cards, support linking Google Pay/Apple Pay, and a physical card.

  • World Card 目前面向哪些地区的客户开放?

World Card 目前面向中国内地和中国香港地区的用户开放,未来会逐步开放其他区域。

  • Which regions is the World Card currently available in?

World Card is currently available to users in Chinese Mainland, China and Hong Kong, China only, with plans to launch in other regions gradually in future.

  • 申请开通 World Card 有什么要求吗?

只要您完成万里汇账户的实名认证即可申请 World Card,无额外要求。

  • What are the requirements for applying for a World Card?

As long as you have completed onboarding process and account verification for your World Account, you can apply for a World Card without any additional requirements.

  • World Card 有实体卡吗?


  • Does World Card come with a physical card?

Currently no. Please look forward to new development in future. If you have any queries with regards to this, please let us know by contacting your Account Manager.

  • World Card 可以支持绑定 Google Pay/Apple Pay 吗?


  • Can the World Card be linked to Google Pay/Apple Pay?

Currently no. Please look forward to new development in future. If you have any queries with regards to this, please let us know by contacting your Account Manager.

卡片管理 Card Management

  • 我可以申请多少张 World Card ?


  • How many World Cards can I apply for?

The maximum number of World Card you can apply for may vary in accordance with the activity level of your World Account. We will notify you when you reach the maximum limit of application limit of World Card.

  • World Card 的有效期是多长时间?

卡片默认的有效期为 5 年。

  • What is the validity period of a World Card?

The card is valid for 5 years by default.

  • 卡片到期之后我可以继续使用这张卡吗?

可以,卡片到期之前我们会提示您进行展期,您可根据自身需求进行申请,卡片展期之后卡号保持不变,有效期和 card verification value (CVV) 会更新。

  • Can I continue to use my World Card after it expires?

Yes, we will notify you to renew your World Card before it expires. You can apply for renewal based on your needs. After renewal, the card number for World Card remains the same, but the validity period and card verification value (CVV) will be updated.

  • 如何查询卡片详情?

进入您的 World Card 首页,选择您需查看的卡片点击“查看卡信息”,通过身份验证之后您可查看完整的卡号、卡片有效期以及CVV。

  • How can I check my card details?

Go to your World Card homepage, select the card you want to view, and click "View Card Information." After verifying your identity, you will be able to see the full card number of your World Card, the card's validity period, and CVV.

  • World Card 有使用额度的限制吗?

根据您万里汇账户的活跃情况,您的 World Card 的默认限额可能不同;限额有单笔、单日、单月的维度,您可在卡片列表页面和详情页面查看限额,还可以根据自身需求个性化设置单张卡片的消费限额。

  • Is there a spending limit for my World Card?

The default spending limit may vary depending on the activity level of your World Account. The limits can be per transaction, daily, and monthly. You can view the limits on your World Card on the card listing page and the card details page. You can also customise the spending limit for each World Card based on your needs.

  • 我要如何冻结/解冻卡片?

进入您的 World Card 首页,选择您需要操作的卡片点击“更多”进入卡片详情页面,点击“冻结卡片”按钮操作冻结。


  • How do I freeze/unfreeze my World Card?

Go to your World Card homepage, select the card and click "More" to view the card details page, then click "Freeze Card". After freezing your World Card, card transactions will be declined, but ongoing refunds will still be processed normally. You can unfreeze the card on the card details page as needed.

  • 我要如何注销卡片?

进入您的 World Card 首页,选择您需要操作的卡片点击“更多”进入卡片详情页面,点击“更多”后选择“注销卡片”操作注销。

  • How do I cancel World Card?

Go to your World Card homepage, select the card and click "More" to view the card details page, click "More" and then click "Cancel Card" to proceed with cancellation of your World Card.

  • 卡片注销之后是否可以恢复?


  • Can I restore my World Card after cancellation?

No, cancellation is irreversible. Please consider carefully before cancelling your World Card.

  • 注销卡片之后会影响卡片接收退款吗?


  • Will canceling the World Card affect me in receiving refunds?

No, refunds that occur after the World Card is cancelled will still be credited back to your World Account as per normal.

  • 是否支持修改持卡人信息?


进入您的 World Card 首页,选择您需查看的卡片点击“查看卡信息”,您可在下方见到“更改卡信息”入口,您可选择同时更新姓名/地址,或更新其一,根据您需要更新的内容我们会搜集相应的材料,按照页面提示进行操作即可。

  • Is it possible to modify the cardholder information of World Card?

Yes, you can modify the cardholder's name and address information as required.
Go to your World Card homepage, select the card you wish to view, and click "View Card Information." At the bottom, you will see an option to "Update Card Information." You can choose to update both name and address or either one of them. We may request you to upload proofs based on the information you want to change. Kindly follow the instructions on the page to proceed.

交易相关 Transaction Related

  • World Card 支持哪些币种?

World Card 是一张多币种卡,我们支持以下15个币种的同币种扣款:AUD、CAD、CHF、CNH、CZK、EUR、GBP、HKD、JPY、MXN、NZD、PLN、SEK、SGD、USD。

交易发生时,如果交易币种为此 15个币种之一且您的万里汇账户余额充足,我们会直接扣减您同币种的余额,如果交易币种在此15个币种之外,或交易币种在此15个币种范围内但您对应币种的万里汇账户余额不足,我们会按照以下顺序从您万里汇账户余额中扣款:USD, HKD。

  • Which currencies does World Card support?

The World Card is a multi-currency card, and we support same-currency transactions in the following 15 currencies: AUD, CAD, CHF, CNH, EUR, GBP, HKD, CZK, JPY, MXN, NZD, PLN, SEK, SGD, and USD.

If a payment is made in one of these currencies and you have sufficient balance in your World Account, we will directly deduct from the corresponding currency balance. If the transaction currency is not among these 15 currencies we support or the transaction currency is among these 15 currencies we support but you do not have enough balance in the respective currency, we will proceed to deduct funds from USD and HKD accounts, in that order.

  • 我可以用多个币种的万里汇账户余额组合付款吗?



  • Can I use a combination of different currency balances in World Account to make a payment?

Currently we do not support deductions from a combination of multiple currency balances. Deductions are made in full from balances in the following order: transaction currency, USD, HKD. If a full deduction from the World Account balances is not possible, the transaction will fail, therefore please ensure you have enough funds in those currencies. We plan to introduce support for deductions in a combination of multiple currencies soon, please look forward to new development in future.

  • 卡片发生交易时我会收到提醒吗?


  • Will I receive a notification when a transaction happens on my World Card?

We will send you notifications via SMS and email for successful authorizations, authorization reversals, and refunds. If you prefer not to be disrupted, you can disable these notifications in your account settings.

  • World Card 是否支持 3DS

支持。当交易触发 3DS 验证时,可能会向您的手机发送验证码,接受验证码的手机号与您万里汇账户绑定的手机号一致。您也可以通过历史交易信息来完成验证。

  • Does the World Card support 3D Secure (3DS)?

Yes. When the transactions trigger 3DS verification, a verification code may be sent to your mobile phone, using the same phone number which has been linked to your World Account. You can also finish 3DS by choosing your own transaction information.

  • 为什么交易显示在处理中

当您在商户付款时,商户会先按某个金额发起一笔授权,相当于锁定了这部分金额,这时,您在交易明细中会看到此笔交易的状态是“处理中”;当商户确认了最终的交易金额后,会发起清算,一般来说,商户会在 3-4 个工作日发起清算,此时您会看到交易状态从“处理中”变成“成功”。

  • Why does my transaction shown as "Processing"?

When you make a payment to a merchant, the merchant will send authorization first to reserve such amount and the transaction status will be shown as "Processing". Upon confirmation of the final amount of transaction by the merchant, a clearing process will be initiated after 3-4 working days in which the merchant will send clearing request and the status will change from "Processing" to "Successful".

  • 为什么同一笔交易的授权金额与清算金额会不一致?


  • Why might clearing amount differ from authorisation amount for the same transaction?

Merchants like hotels, gas stations and car rental companies may make authorization with expected amount and upon receipt of final confirmation that the final amount required is different from the authorisation amount, the merchants will make clearing with the actual final amount. When the actual amount is different from the expected amount, the clearing amount should be different from the authorization amount.

  • 如果一笔交易在处理中,我可以阻止交易的发生吗?


  • If a transaction is "Processing," can I stop it from happening?

If a transaction is "Processing," we cannot prevent the merchant from initiating "clearing" process. If you wish to stop the transaction at this stage, please contact the merchant for processing.

  • 为什么我的交易已经取消了,但依然显示处理中?

一些特殊情况下我们可能并未接收到交易已经取消的消息,可能由于商户侧并未同步信息、或系统处理异常导致。这部分交易一定周期之后会被自动退回至您的万里汇账户余额,周期为 7-10 天。

  • Why does my transaction still shown as "Processing" even though it has been cancelled?

In some special circumstances, we may not have received message that a transaction has been cancelled due to merchants not synchronizing their information or a processing error. These transactions would automatically be reverted to your World Account after a certain period, typically within 7-10 days.

  • 为什么会支付失败,如何处理?


    • 余额不足 - 请确保交易发生时您的账户余额足够
    • CVV错误 - 请确保您的卡信息输入正确
    • 支付超限额 - 请检查您的卡片使用限额
    • 风控拒绝 - 交易被辨认为有风险,详情请联系客服处理

  • Why did my World Card payment fail and how can I address it?

There may be several reasons for payment failure. You can check the reason for the failed transaction in your transaction details page. Common reasons and suggestions include:

    • Insufficient balance - Please ensure that you have enough funds in your World Account at the time of the transaction.
    • Incorrect CVV - Please ensure that you insert the correct card information.
    • Exceed spending limit - Please check your World Card's spending limits.
    • Rejection by Risk Control - The transaction is identified as risky, please contact customer service for details.

  • 交易退款之后我要多久能够收到资金? 

每个商户处理退款的流程和时效均不相同,一般来说,一旦商户侧已经提交退款请求,您会在 5-10 个工作日内收到您的退款资金,如果超过 10 个工作日您尚未收到退款,请优先联系商户侧进行处理。

  • How long does it take to receive funds after a refund is processed?

Refund processes and timing vary by merchants. Generally, once the merchant has initiated a refund, you should be able to receive the funds within 5-10 business days. If more than 10 business days pass without receiving a refund, please contact the merchant first for assistance.

财务对账 Reconciliation

  • 使用 World Card 有收费吗?

对于 World Card 的使用,万里汇没有额外的收费 (包括开卡费、年费、充值费和交易手续费等),请放心使用。

  • Is there any fee for using the World Card?

There are no additional fees charged by WorldFirst (including card opening fee, annual fee, top-up fee and transaction fee) for using the World Card.

  • World Card 是否支持开具卡片账单?

支持,进入您的 World Card 首页,选择您需要操作的卡片点击“更多”进入卡片详情页面,点击“卡片对账单”进行下载。

  • Can I get a card statement for my World Card?

Yes, you can download card statements. Go to your World Card homepage, select the card, click "More" to enter the card details page, then click "Card Statement" to download.

账户安全 Account Security

  • 我发现我的卡片有异常交易,要如何处理?


  • I noticed unauthorized transactions on my World Card, what should I do?

If you find transactions in your transaction details which were not initiated by you, please freeze your World Card immediately and contact our customer service hotline to report the issue.

  • 我没有收到我采购的服务/物品,该如何处理?



  • I haven't received the goods/services I purchased, what should I do?

We recommend you to contact the platforms which you purchase your goods/services from or merchants directly first to confirm if they can refund you for the goods/services not delivered. And keep any corresponding communication records as evidence.

If this is unsuccessful, you can submit a dispute claim for this transaction, we will send a dispute form template to your registered email address for your World Account. Please fill out the form with the relevant details of your complaint in full and reply to our email with the completed form and relevant documents (including communication records, etc.). Kindly reply promptly as there is a risk that late submission of dispute claims may not be processed.

After receiving your submission and documents, we will assist you in submitting the dispute claim. Please be aware that the dispute process may take a long time to resolve. Generally, it can take approximately 60 calendar days or more to receive an outcome on the dispute resolutions.