《用户信息授权协议》(以下简称“本协议”)是World First Asia Limited (以下简称“万里汇”或“我们“)与用户(以下简称“您”)所订立的有效合约,请您仔细阅读本协议内容,尤其是字体加粗部分。如您对本协议内容或页面提示信息有疑问,可以致电400 976 6666或您的客户经理【或者致函mscn@service.worldfirst.com】进行咨询,以便我们可以为您解释和说明。
1. 当您通过万里汇申请并购买第三方(“第三方” 或“第三方提供方”)提供的金融产品及服务时,您同意 1)为了开立及认证第三方账号的目的,我们可向第三方分享您在万里汇的注册信息 ,包括公司基本信息、公司地址及联系信息、公司税务信息、运营信息及法人代表/董事和股东信息;2)为了您购买第三方服务及产品以及为了万里汇展示、查询及运营该服务及产品的必要目的,您同意我们可与第三方共享您的下列信息,包括第三方账户开通状态及账户信息(包括万里汇账户及第三方账户信息)、订购的第三方定期存款产品/订单信息、第三方定期存款产品的赎回信息以及核身信息。您的个人敏感信息会通过加密传输。
2. 请您理解并注意万里汇与第三方提供方为独立信息处理者并各自独立运营且独立承担责任。在您申请及购买相应的产品服务产品前,请您仔细阅读查看该第三方的隐私政策及相关的服务协议,了解信息用途以及第三方的基本情况和数据安全能力。若因第三方服务或其使用您的信息而产生纠纷,或因第三方服务违反相应法律法规或协议约定,或您在使用第三方服务时遭受损失的,请您和第三方协商解决。
3. 如我们对本协议进行变更,我们会以公告、客户端通知、短信或弹窗通知等方式 (统称“通知“)就协议的更新进行告知。告知的内容包括更新协议的生效日期,以及如果您不同意更新协议情形下,您可采取的可行方案(比如终止本协议下的信息共享授权等)。
4. 本协议适用中华人民共和国香港特别行政区法律并根据其解释。任何与本协议相关的争议应转交并通过香港国际仲裁中心根据香港国际仲裁中心机构仲裁规则仲裁解决。仲裁所在地为香港。仲裁员人数为三名,由双方各自指定一名,再由两名指定的仲裁员指定第三名。仲裁的进行应以英文进行
Customer Data Authorization Agreement
Customer Data Authorization Agreement (hereunder refers as “Agreement”) is made between World First Asia Limited (hereunder refers as “WorldFirst” or “We”) and Customer ((hereunder refers as “Customer” or “you”). Please read this Agreement carefully, especially the terms are marked in bold. If you have any questions and concerns on this Agreement or notice on website, please dial in 400 976 6666 or contact your account manager [or send email to mscn@service.worldfirst.com] for further information and explanation.
By clicking “Consent and Authorization” on the page or the other agreed method to confirm this agreement, you understand and acknowledge you have agreed and signed this Agreement.
1. When you apply for and purchase financial products and services from third parties via WorldFirst (“3rd Party” or “3rd Party Service Provider”), you authorize 1) WorldFirst to share your registration information of WorldFirst, including your company basic information, address and contact information, tax information, operation information and information on the legal representative/board members or shareholders, with 3rd Party Service Provider for the purpose of opening an account of 3rd Party and identity authentication purpose; 2) WorldFirst and 3rd Party to share the following information, including your account opening status and account information (including WorldFirst account and such 3rd Party accounts), fixed deposit product/order information from 3rd Party, redemption information of 3rdParty fixed deposit product and service and identity authentication information, for necessary purposes of purchasing 3rd Party products/services and displaying, searching and operating 3rd Party products and services you purchased. Please note, to protect your sensitive personal data, WorldFirst will transmit to third party in encryption format.
2. You understand and acknowledge that WorldFirst and 3rd Party Service Provider are independent data controllers, and are operated and are liable for the related legal obligations independent and separately. Before you apply for and purchase any products and services provided by 3rd Party Service Provider, please read its privacy policy and related service/product agreements carefully to understand how it may use your personal information, its basic information and data security commitments, etc. If there is any dispute between you and 3rdParty Service Provider on processing of your personal information, or any breach on the service agreements with 3rd Party Service Provider, or violation of related laws conducted by 3rd Party Service Provider, or there is any loss you suffered caused by products or services provided by of 3rd Party Service Provider, please contact such of 3rdParty Service Provider directly.
3. If we update and amend this Agreement from time to time, we will send you a notice through our website or App, or by text messages or pop-up window (“Notice”), including the effective date of these amendments to the Agreement and what you may do (such as terminating the authorization for data sharing under this Agreement) in the event you do not agree with these amendments.
4. This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. Any disputes related to this Agreement shall be referred to and resolved through arbitration by the Hong Kong International Arbitration Center in accordance with the Hong Kong International Arbitration Center's Institutional Arbitration Rules. The place of arbitration is Hong Kong. The number of arbitrators shall be three, one shall be designated by each party, and the third shall be designated by the two designated arbitrators. The conduct of the arbitration shall be conducted in English.