1.为什么需要选择汇出目的?Why do I need to specify purpose of payment?
Purpose of payment is required when initiating cross-border payments to be included with your transaction in order for your payment to be accepted and processed. Please select correct payment purpose that is consistent with you transaction purpose.
2.我应该怎样选择汇出目的?How do I choose a correct payment purpose?
我们的界面上提供了所支持的汇出目的代码及其描述,请按照实际的目的进行选择。例如,您进行此笔付款是要向阿联酋的收款人进行货物贸易,请选择“GDS | Goods bought or sold 货物贸易”选项。
The codes and descriptions of the supported payment purpose are provided on our screens, please choose according to the actual purpose. For example, if you are making this payment to trade goods to a recipient in the UAE, please select the "GDS | Goods bought or sold" option.
3.汇出目的释义Definition of the payment purpose
GDS 货物贸易:货物贸易是指买卖双方根据贸易安排进行买卖行为,涉及原材料、半制品和制成品的进出口。用于支付进口商品的货款、运费、保险费等相关费用,或者收取出口商品的货款。Goods trade refers to the buying and selling activities carried out by both parties under trade arrangements, involving the import and export of raw materials, semi-finished products, and finished products. It is used to pay for the costs associated with imported goods, such as payment for goods, freight, insurance fees, and other related expenses, or to receive payment for exported goods.
GST 服务贸易:服务贸易涉及国际间提供或消费的服务,如旅游、咨询、运输等。用于支付服务提供者的费用,包括服务费、佣金、专利权使用费等。Service trade involves the provision or consumption of services across international borders, such as tourism, consulting, transportation, and others. It is used to pay for the fees of service providers, including service fees, commissions, royalties, and other similar costs.
GCI 资本项目:资本项目是指国际资本流动,包括直接投资、证券投资、债务净支付等。用于描述资本项目中的各种交易类型,如投资收益、股息分红、利息支付等。The capital account refers to international capital flows, including direct investment, securities investment, net debt payments, and other related activities. It is used to describe various transaction types within the capital account, such as investment income, dividend distributions, interest payments, and others.