1. 关于我们和我们的服务 1.1. WorldFirst Asia Limited (下称 “WorldFirst” )作为一家货币服务运营商 (MSO) 接受香港海关监管。您可以访问 MSO 牌照发放网站 https://eservices.customs.gov.hk/MSOS/wsrh/001s1 , 查看我们的注册情况。 1.2. 本协议规定的条款用于管理 WorldFirst 向您提供的服务以及您对 World Account 的使用。这些条款和条件,加上我们的隐私政策、 使用条款和其中提及的任何其他条款与条件,构成了您与我们之间的法律关系。 1.3. 我们建议您保留一份本协议,供您记录。如果我们对本协议做任何修改,我们会始终让您知道,并且将为您提供一份更新的数字版协议,供您记录,从而您可以在一个持久媒介中保留本协议。 不过,您始终可以通过访问 www.worldfirst.com,获取最新版协议。
2. 申请 World Account 2.1. 为了开设一个 World Account,WorldFirst 要求: a) 您完成申请表(在线或者纸质文件); b) 以我们可接受的形式确认您接受本协议、使用条款和我们的隐私政策;以及 c) 收到我们要求的任何信息和/或文件,确保我们满足我们的合规义务。 2.2. 您陈述并保证,您向 WorldFirst 提供的所有信息在申请过程中是、并且在此后任何时候都将是真实准确的。 2.3. 如果我们接受您作为一名客户,那么我们将向您发送一条通知,向您告知您的 World Account 已经开设,并且可以使用。 2.4. World Account 注册给 WorldFirst 记录为账户持有人的个人或法律实体,并且持有的任何资金都是为注册账户持有人持有。您不能把您的 World Account 转让给第三方,或者把其中的任何合法或衡平法权益授予第三方。 2.5. 通过开设一个 World Account,您向我们保证,您开设 World Account 并不会违反适用于您的任何法律或法规,并且您会补偿我们产生的、与您违反本条款有关的任何损失。 2.6. 我们保留在未说明原因的情况下拒绝为您开设 World Account 的权利。 2.7. 提供的 World Account 是作为一种商业工具,用于支持注册账户持有人的业务活动;您同意,您不会把您的 World Account 用于个人、家人或者家庭目的,或者与任何第三方的业务活动有关的任何目的。您向我们陈述,当您使用我们的服务时,您不是一名消费者。如果 WorldFirst 自己合理地确定,您正把您的 World Account 用于个人、家人或者家庭目的,或者与任何第三方的业务活动有关的任何目的,那么 WorldFirst 可能会、并且您同意 WorldFirst 可以立即暂停您World Account 的访问权限。 2.8. 如果您是一名个人,那么为了开设和使用 World Account 服务, 您必须是 18 岁或以上。
3. 个人数据与 World Account 安全性 3.1. 通过让我们根据本协议向您提供服务,您将会向我们提供信息,其中包括可能属于《个人数据(隐私)条例》(“PDO”)中所指的个人数据的信息,并且我们作为数据收集者,要根据 PDO 的原则来收集、持有、使用和处理这些信息。 3.2. 我们将使用您的个人信息,从而使我们能为您提供我们的服务,并且根据条款 21 评估这样做的风险。 3.3. 您的个人数据可能被 WorldFirst 集团中的其他 WorldFirst 集团公司访问。客户信息将利用一个严格的安全准则进行保护。 WorldFirst 保留为了防止金融犯罪而与其他组织或个人分享信息的权利。 3.4. 我们可能会通过一个身份参考机构以及通过其他信息源进行软搜索,并利用评分方法来核实您的身份;这些软搜索不会影响您的信用评分。如果您是公司实体或企业,那么我们可能会对您的董事、股东或授权用户进行这些类型的搜索。可能会保留这些搜索的记录。 3.5. 您可以通过登录您的 World Account 来更新您的营销或通信首选项,或者您可以联系我们申请修改您的首选项。我们的隐私政策中列出了关于我们如何使用、收集、持有、处理和分享您的个人 信息、以及我们为了保护您的信息而采取的步骤的详情。可以在 www.worldfirst.com/en-hk/disclaimer-policies/privacy/ 上找到条款 21 中包含的我们的隐私政策和个人收集信息声明,或者我们可以根据请求向您提供这些信息。 3.6. 我们可能会对我们与您进行的任何电话通话进行监控和录音,并且我们可能会保留您发送的或发送给您的电子邮件的记录。您同意,我们可以把电话录音和任何转录文本或者电子邮件记录用于培训和质量控制目的,或者用于解决任何纠纷,以及预防和发现犯罪。 3.7. 为了向您提供本协议规划的服务,您必须向我们提供我们要求的所有相关信息,并且确保此类信息出现任何变化时及时告知我们。
4. 您的 World Account 4.1. 您的 World Account 使您能够发送和接收付款。 4.2. 您 World Account 中的所有资金都必须是与付款有关。所有轉入您 World Account 中的资金都必须接收自第三方或经批准的电商市场(请联系我们以获取更多信息或检查该电商市场是否已获批准)。这些资金必须支付给您名下的收款人或银行户。您同意,您不会把您自己的资金存入 World Account。 4.3. 如果您 World Account 中的任何资金未在 90 天内支付出去,那么 WorldFirst 将把此类资金转账到您名下的一个账户,或者把此类资金退还给付款源头。WorldFirst 保留为退还付款收取费用的权利,并且不负责承担退款流程中出现的任何损失。 4.4. 您 World Account 中货币账户之间的转账是您与 WorldFirst 进行的外汇交易,用于把一种货币转换成另一种货币,不是支付。 4.5. 如果我们有理由相信,您的 World Account 正在被用于、已经被用于、或者涉及到任何欺诈或欺诈企图,或者如果 WorldFirst 认为您的 World Account 已经被盗用或者以有悖于这些条款和条件的方式被使用,那么 WorldFirst 可能在未给您发送提前通知的情况下暂停访问、禁用、或者限制您的 World Account。如果我们怀疑您的账户,那么我们会使用我们拥有的、并且 WorldFirst 合理地认为安全的您的联系信息来联系您,包括电话和/或电子邮件。 4.6. 当您把资金转账给 WorldFirst 时,这些资金的所有权和权利将完全转移给 WorldFirst。 4.7. 我们不会对我们为您持有的资金支付利息,并且我们可以为了我们自己的利益而保留任何 WorldFirst 账户(包括 World Account )中持有的资金产生的任何利息。 4.8. 您在任何情况下都不应当把实物现金(硬币和纸币)、支票、或者银行汇票存入我们的任何银行账户,并且在任何此类情况中,我们将不会释放您的资金或进行任何后续付款,直到我们合理满意地认为我们已经获得了表明实物现金来源的文件。
5. 使用您的 World Account 发送付款 5.1. 您可以通过联系我们、或者登录到您的 World Account 账户来进行付款,并且通过这样做,您就是在要求 WorldFirst 为您提供支付服务,并且每份支付指令都将是您与我们之间的一份单独合同。 5.2. 为了进行付款,您将需要拥有与您需要进行的付款相对应的足够的资金,并且要考虑与交易有关的任何费用或成本。WorldFirst 将在扣除 WorldFirst 应得的任何金额之后执行您的付款。如果没有以要求的货币显示的足够资金,那么这将会导致 WorldFirst 不执行您的付款。 5.3. 您还需要向我们提供收款人银行详情,并且您要负责确保收款人银行详情是准确完整的。我们可能会要求您通过电子方式来确认您提供的收款人银行详情。您提供的收款人银行详情就是 WorldFirst 在发送您付款时使用的信息。 5.4. 如果由于您 (a) 提供了不完整的收款人银行详情、 (b) 您在根据要求用电子方式确认任何指令时的回复过晚而导致付款得到指令过晚,或者 (c) 如果因为您提供了错误的收款人银行详情而使错误的收款人收到了您的资金,那么 WorldFirst 将不承担任何责任。但是我们将做出合理努力,帮助您追回您的资金,并且我们保留为了这样做过程中产生的合理成本而向您收取费用的权利。 5.5. 在我们完成付款之前,您可以随时通过联系我们来取消或修改支付指令。 5.6. 如果您想召回 WorldFirst 根据您的指令而指示进行的付款,那么我们将做出所有合理努力,帮助您召回,但是,如果无法召回或者召回不成功,那么我们将不承担任何责任。同样,如果付款已经被记入收款人银行账户,那么我们通常只能在收款人账户持有人同意的情况下召回付款。我们将做出所有合理努力,帮助您召回,但是,如果召回不被接受或者不可能进行召回,那么我们将不承担任何责任。除了 WorldFirst 产生的任何直接成本外,我们保留收取 50 英镑(或等值货币)手续费的权利,它代表的是我们尝试召回每笔付款过程中的手续成本。 5.7. 您不能把您的资金直接从您的 World Account 发给其他 World Account。 5.8. 如果您还未满足您在本协议中的义务,或者如果我们认为付款是非法的,WorldFirst 可能会拒绝您的支付指令。在这些情况中,我们会迅速通知您,并在可能的情况下表明拒绝的原因,以及改正任何导致拒绝的付款详情错误的程序,但我们保留向您收取费用的权利,用于补偿我们做这项工作时的合理成本。如果我们认为通知可能为违法的,那么我们没有义务把我们拒绝执行提议的交易的决定通知您。 5.9. 如果我们在营业日下午 5 点或之前收到支付指令,那么您的支付指令将被视为是在该营业日收到的。如果我们在下午 5 点之后或者在非营业日收到支付指令,那么您的支付指令将被视为是在下一个营业日收到的。 5.10. 虽然在大多数情况下我们能够详细说明付款到达收款人银行所需的执行时间,但是,对于处理付款过程中收款人银行(或其代理银行)造成的任何延误,我们不承担任何责任,因此我们不保证收款人银行将在其收到付款当日把资金提供给收款人。 5.11. 您同意我们把您的全名、地址以及任何其他所需的详情包含在要发送给收款人银行的付款详情中,从而使我们能够遵守我们的合规义务,并且/或者使支付服务提供商能遵守所有适用的法规。 5.12. 在一些情况中,中间商(例如代理行)可能会参与国际付款,并且它们或者收款人银行可能会扣除一笔收费或费用。我们将做出合理努力,避免这些收费,或者确保在我们进行付款之前把此类收费披露给您,但是,当此类收费无法避免或预测时,您同意负责承担此类收费或费用。如果特定金额资金必须到达收款人银行账户,那么请告知我们,因为我们可以提前计算任何不明确的收费。当您向我们提供支付指令时,您应当确保对于第三方费用和收费向我们提供清楚指示。我们在任何情况下都不负责承担中间行、代理行或收款行或者任何其他第三方费用或收费造成的任何直接或间接损失。
6. 使用您的 World Account 接收付款 6.1. 当 WorldFirst 为您收到结清的资金时,我们将按照相应的货币面值记入您的 World Account。我们建议您定期检查您的交易历史和账户余额。 6.2. 您不能直接用您的 World Account 收到来自其他 World Account 的资金。 6.3. WorldFirst 根据本协议为您提供的服务并不适用于您用您的 World Account 实际购买任何产品或服务。
7. 使用您的 World Account 预约外汇交易 7.1. WorldFirst 提供外汇现货交易。WorldFirst 不支持为了投资或投机目的而进行的外汇交易(例如试图从汇率波动中盈利),并且您必须告诉我们这是否是您的意图。如果我们有理由相信您把任何外汇交易用于投资或投机目的,那么我们可能会在不给您发送进一步通知的情况下,拒绝与您交易,以及/或者暂停访问或关闭您的World Account。 7.2.每笔外汇交易都将是您与我们之间的一份单独合同。当您向我们提供买入或卖出货币的指令时,我们将确认以下交易条款,其中包括但不限于: a) 您想转换的售出货币的金额; b) 将为您购买的买入货币的金额; c) 提供的汇率;以及 d) 任何适用的费用或传输成本(合称“商业条款”)。 7.3. 当您通过登录您的 World Account 来接受商业条款时(不管是用口头、书面、还是电子方式),您就接受法律约束,根据这些商定的商业条款执行外汇交易,并且我们将向您发送一份交易确认通知,其中详细列明商业条款,供您记录。您 World Account 中钱包货币之间的转账是外汇交易,并且本条款将适用于这些交易。 7.4. 您必须在交易确认通知中规定的营业日正午或之前向我们全额支付售出货币。您同意,对于特定外汇交易,如果我们未在交易确认通知中规定的日期收到资金, 那么 WorldFirst 可以从您的World Account 中扣除资金,用于结算您在任何外汇交易中的债务。 7.5. 用商定的售出货币之外的货币向我们进行的任何付款都将按照与您在当时商定的汇率进行转换。请注意,可能会产生不通过我们支付或者不是由我们收取的其他成本,包括税金。 7.6. WorldFirst 没有义务接受您提供的关于执行外汇交易的指令,并且 WorldFirst 保留拒绝与您进行特定外汇交易的权利。 7.7. 我们将作为委托人进行所有外汇交易,并且我们不会对您、 World Account 的注册账户持有人之外的任何其他人承担任何责任。 7.8. 如果您通知我们,您想修改现有外汇交易的任何商业条款,那么我们可能根据市场情况,自行决定同意此类合理的修订。我们保留收取价差和 50 英镑(或等值货币)手续费的权利,用于补偿相关管理成本。
8. 取消外汇交易 8.1. 当您与 WorldFirst 进行外汇交易时,WorldFirst 会与其银行业交易对手进行一笔匹配交易。这意味着,如果 WorldFirst 取消了一笔与您进行的外汇交易,那么 WorldFirst 也需要取消其与交易对手行预定的外汇交易。外汇交易的取消被称为是“结清”。 8.2. 如果 WorldFirst 取消了它与您预定的外汇交易,那么 WorldFirst 将结清外汇交易,并且可能会添加一个价差,该价差与完成您的外汇交易时添加的价差相一致。您可能还要负责承担 WorldFirst 在结清其与交易对手行的匹配交易时产生的任何损失。此外: a) 如果在结清外汇交易时实现了超过价差的任何收益,并且结清不是由于您未能履行您在本协议中的任何义务,那么此类收益将支付给您;并且 b) 对于您应当支付的任何未支付的金额,在结清之日到向 WorldFirst 付款之日这段时期内,WorldFirst 保留每天按照香港银行间同业拆借利率 (HIBOR) 外加 2% 作为利率收取费用的权利。 8.3. 您同意,我们可以把您的死亡、任何针对您的法律诉讼威胁、或者破产事件作为取消事件,这将让 WorldFirst 有权结清您的外汇交易。 8.4. 如果 WorldFirst 因为本协议中所列的任何原因而结清外汇交易,并且如果与 WorldFirst 银行交易对手进行的匹配交易是合计的,那么将按照您与 WorldFirst 完成外汇交易当日的 HIBOR 收盘利率外加 2% 来确定因为结清 WorldFirst 匹配交易而产生的损失或收益。
9. 费用和成本 9.1. WorldFirst 不会为了拥有 World Account 而收取月度账户或订阅费;但是,World Account 服务的成本将遵循 World Account 不时发给您的公平使用政策。 9.2. 当您注册 World Account 时,您会在一个持久媒介中获得关于您在使用 World Account 时产生的外汇交易成本和付款费用的信息。我们建议您保留这些信息,供您记录。WorldFirst 可能会不时更新外汇交易成本和付款费用,并且将会把任何此类变化告知您。如需关于外汇交易成本、付款费用以及 WorldFirst 公平使用政策的更多信息,请使用下面名为“联系我们”的条款(条款 11 )中列出的任何联系方式联系我们。
10. 违禁交易 10.1. 正如条款 2 中提到的那样,World Account 是作为一种商业工具而提供,仅用于支持业务,并且存在一些 WorldFirst 无法支持的选定的业务类型。此外,在一些司法辖区中,禁止 WorldFirst 开展业务。请定期参考使用条款,获取关于 WorldFirst 无法帮您进行的交易的更多信息。 10.2. 如果我们拒绝属于使用条款中详细介绍的类别中的交易,那么 WorldFirst 将不向您承担任何责任。
11. 联系我们 11.1. 您可以在上班时间通过致电 +852 3959 4800、完成我们的回电申请、或者使用我们网站 https://www.worldfirst.com/ 上列出的任何联系方式联系我们。 11.2. 我们通常会使用您 World Account 中记录的主要电子邮箱地址或者电话号码来联系您,并且可能会使用您提供地址详情通过信件方式来联系您。通过开设 World Account,您同意您能够正常接入互联网,并且您会定期查看您接收的消息。 11.3. 通过电子邮件发送给您的任何通信或通知将被视为是您在其发送的同一个营业日收到该邮件。 11.4. 如果法律要求我们在一个持久媒介中向您提供信息,那么我们将向您发送一封电子邮件或者给您发送一份通知,把您指向我们网站上的信息,并且指向方式使您能够以一种可以永久保存的格式来保存信息,供您未来参考。您需要保存我们发送给您或提供给您的所有通信的副本。
12. 授权用户 12.1. 如果您的账户拥有这项功能,那么您或许能够通过登录 World Account 并遵循相关指示,把授权用户添加到您的 World Account 或者将其从 World Account 移除。只有主账户用户可以添加或移除授权用户,并且在我们推动您的申请之前,我们可能会要求您满足安全流程。 12.2. 一旦授权用户添加到您的 World Account,WorldFirst 就会获得您的批准,根据此类授权用户提供的指令行事。
13. 权力和法律限制 13.1. 您向我们陈述并保证: a) 您签署和交付本协议、以及您履行本协议规定的所有义务时不会违反适用于您的任何法律,并且您能够全权签署本协议; b) 截至本协议之日,您提供的所有信息在所有重要方面都是真实的、准确的和完整的,或者如果后来提供信息,那么您会立即通知我们此类信息的任何变化; c) 您提供的涉及本协议中规划交易的信息、或者您的相关行为或您授权用户的行为过去不是或者现在都不会因为疏忽或其他原因而是误导性的;以及 d) 您要向我们持续披露可能影响本协议运行或者影响您履行本协议中义务能力的任何事项,包括影响您偿付能力的任何情形。 13.2. 为了遵守我们的合规义务,我们可能需要不时让您、授权用户或收款人提供信息或文件,并且您同意在从我们提出要求之日开始的合理时期内提供此类信息。WorldFirst 将不会负责承担由于您未能回复我们的申请而产生的任何直接或间接损失。如果您未在从我们向您提出要求之日开始的一个合理时期内提供要求的信息或文件,那么 WorldFirst 可能会、并且您同意 WorldFirst 可以立即暂停您的 World Account 访问权限。 13.3. 我们将会利用您的详细信息来联系您,并且如果您的电子邮箱、电话号码、地址、或者任何其他重要信息出现变化,那么您必须迅速告诉我们。 13.4. 如果税务当局提出指示,那么 WorldFirst 可能需要扣留为您持有的资金,并且 WorldFirst 将不负责向您承担因此产生的任何直接或间接的损失。
14. 终止与WorldAccount关闭 14.1. 本协议将一直有效,直到根据本条款而终止。 14.2. WorldFirst 可以通过为您提供不少于一个月提前通知的方式来终止本协议,并且您可以随时立即终止本协议。在终止之日,您的 World Account 将关闭。 14.3. 您或我们进行的终止不会影响在终止之日前达成的现有外汇交易、或者在终止之日前提供的支付指令,并且此类未履行的义务仍可强制执行。 14.4. 您在本协议中欠我们的任何金额将在终止日立即到期,并且应当支付。您要在终止日之后在合理可行的范围内尽快(并且不晚于此后五 (5) 个营业日)把此类金额支付到我们指定的银行账户。 14.5. 如果 WorldFirst 意识到或者有理由相信已经出现下面指明的任何事件,那么 WorldFirst 可以通过给您发送书面通知,自行决定立即终止本协议,并且我们将解除本协议中规定的任何未来的义务,包括源自终止日之前达成的任何外汇交易的任何义务: a) 您未能在我们提出申请或要求时向我们提供重要信息,或者向我们提供了虚假的或误导性的信息; b) 您未能结算欠我们的未支付资金; c) 您现在或过去曾在任何时间参与或协助进行洗钱或恐怖主义融资,或者未能满足适用法律法规要求的任何验证检查; d) 您正接受执法部门和/或监管机构的正式调查;您已经严重违反本协议的条款; e) 出现破产事件;或者 f) 任何法庭或主管监管者的命令或者执行适用法律法规时要求终止本协议。
15. 在线服务 15.1. 当激活任何 WorldFirst 在线服务时,以及在被授予访问权限之前,您将需要设置您独一无二的安全证书。安全证书包括但不限于用户名、密码、难忘的信息项目、以及我们可能不时需要的其他安全求。 15.2. 如果您的 World Account 支持多个授权用户,那么您的每名授权用户都需要拥有单独的安全证书,并且您在任何情况下都不能与任何人(即便是授权用户)分享您的安全证书,或者允许其他人使用您的安全证书访问您的 World Account。 15.3. 当您使用您独一无二的安全证书在线访问您的 World Account 时,这会授权 WorldFirst 根据提交的任何指令(包括把资金转出您的 World Account 的指令)行事。 15.4. 如果我们合理地认为出于安全原因需要这样做,那么我们可能会暂停您在线访问您 World Account 的能力。我们还可能会随时要求您修改或更新您的安全证书,并且您同意在我们要求您这样做时修改或更新您的安全证书。 15.5. 您要负责维持和确保您自己设备的兼容性。您还要负责确保您的设备没有病毒和其他恶意软件。为了安全目的, WorldFirst 建议您使用杀毒软件、反间谍程序软件以及个人防火墙。 15.6. 您决不能使用连接到公共互联网接入设备上的任何计算机或移动设备来访问您的 World Account,并且您应当使用 URL:www.worldfirst.com 访问您的 World Account,而不是遵循电子邮件中的链接。 15.7. WorldFirst 将做出合理的商业努力,保持在线服务没有病毒和破坏文件,但 WorldFirst 不能保证它们不会被病毒或其他具有污染或破坏属性的任何东西感染。您不得通过故意引入病毒、木马、蠕虫病毒、或其他恶意的或在技术上有害的材料来滥用任何在线服务。WorldFirst 不负责承担因您使用任何 WorldFirst 在线服务而给您的软件、设备或数据造成的任何损失或损害。 15.8. 您不得尝试未经授权地访问任何在线服务,或者任何连接到我们在线服务的服务器、计算机或数据库。您不得通过拒绝服务攻击或分布式拒绝服务攻击来攻击我们的系统,因为您这样做就是刑事犯罪,我们可能会报告给相关执法当局,并且我们将与他们合作,其中包括向执法当局提供关于您身份的信息。 15.9. 我们无法保证您对任何 WorldFirst 在线服务的访问将是不简单的、连续的或者没有错误的,并且如果您无法访问我们的在线服务,我们将不向您承担任何责任。 15.10. 我们的在线服务使用非常高水平的加密,而此类加密方法的使用在一些国家中是非法的。您应当确保,如果本地法律不允许,那么您不会故意使用我们的任何在线服务。
16. 责任 16.1. 如果我们遵循了本协议中规定的程序,那么我们就有权根据您的指令或者根据授权用户的指令行事,并且您同意赔偿我们这样做产生的所有损失。 16.2. 您同意让 WorldFirst 免于承担您或授权用户所犯的任何错误可能产生的任何损失,除非此类错误是由于我们的疏忽、故意违约或欺诈而出现的。 16.3. 如果您未能履行您在本协议中的任何义务,那么我们可能会在不给您发送进一步通知的情况下结清我们已经与您预定的任何外汇交易,并且从我们为您持有的任何资金(不管是源自您还是代表您的第三方)中扣除归属于我们的任何金额,用于弥补我们因此而产生的所有损失。 16.4. 如果您发现任何未经授权的或者错误执行的交易,您必须立即通过电话联系我们。我们鼓励您定期检查您的交易历史。如果您未能在交易之日起 13 个月内让我们知道未经授权的或错误执行的交易,那么我们可能不会向您承担责任。 16.5. 如果交易是因为 WorldFirst 的错误而未经授权或者被错误执行, 那么 WorldFirst 将归还/退还付款金额和任何相关费用,但除此之外, WorldFirst 将不向您承担任何其他责任。 16.6. 在以下情况中,WorldFirst 可能不会向您承担责任,或者需要归还/退还付款金额: a) 此类未经授权的交易是由于您未能安全地保存您的安全秘钥、密码、或唯一识别符而产生的; b) 在您知晓之后,您未能把您安全秘钥、密码或唯一识别符的任何丢失告知我们; c) 此类未经授权或错误执行的交易是由您故意造成的,或者是源自您的严重疏忽; d) 您未能根据条款 16.4 的详细规定通知我们;或者 e) 接收行(即收款人银行)未能正确地处理付款。 16.7. WorldFirst 将做出合理努力,帮助跟踪和召回任何未经授权或错误执行的付款。 16.8. WorldFirst 将不负责向您承担: a) 任何利润、商业机会或声誉损失;或者 b) 收款人对您提起的任何损害赔偿诉讼;或者 c) 任何间接的或从属的损失(不论是否可以预见到)。 16.9. 本协议中的任何内容都不能让 WorldFirst 免于负责承担其自身的疏忽或其员工的疏忽造成的欺诈性虚假陈述、死亡或人身伤害,或者 WorldFirst 欠您的或者依法不能排除的任何其他责任。 16.10. 如果由于超出我们控制的因素(包括法律变更、“不可抗力”事件、货币被取消或对一国或付款收款人施加制裁、或者导致履行此类义务成为违法行为的任何事件)而使 WorldFirst 无法履行其在本协议中的义务,那么 WorldFirst 将在合理可行的范围内尽快通知您,并且将做出合理努力,退还为您持有的、涉及 WorldFirst 无法履行此类义务的任何资金。 16.11. 如果您达成外汇交易,但结果由于任何原因,交易涉及的币(买入货币或售出货币)在起息日之前被相关当局取消,或者被转换成使用其他货币计价,那么您仍将有义务执行该交易。在这些情况中,WorldFirst 将做出合理努力,按照 WorldFirst 合理确定的汇率,用将发送/接收资金的国家的本国货币取代被撤销或被重新计价的货币。 WorldFirst 将有权从您那里补偿我们在根据本条款行事时我们产生的所有合理成本。
17. 对销 17.1. WorldFirst 可以在不通知您的情况下,随时用 WorldFirst 欠 您的债务来对销您欠 WorldFirst 的债务,不论任何一种负债 是现在的还是未来的,是已偿付的还是未偿付的。 17.2. 如果要对销的债务是用不同货币表示,那么 WorldFirst 可能 会为了对销而按照市场汇率转换任何债务。WorldFirst 行使 其在本条款中的权利将不会限制或影响其在本协议或其他地 方拥有的任何其他权利或救济。
18. 变更本协议 18.1. 我们可以通过为您提供不少于两个月通知来修订和更新本协议,其中通知中会描述相关修订。我们会通过向您 World Account 上记录的主要电子邮箱地址发送电子邮件,或者当您登录 WorldAccount 时通知您,以此告知您任何提议的变更。提议的变更将在通知日期两 (2) 个月后生效。 18.2. 除非我们另外书面商定,否则修订将不会影响在通知中指定的日期之前可能已经出现的任何法律权利或义务。您有权在通知期内反对提议的变更,或者在不变更的情况下立即终止本协议,前提是您在通知中指定的日期之前这样做。 18.3. 使本协议变得对您更加有利的变更将立即生效。
19. 投诉 19.1. 如果您觉得在提供我们服务的过程中我们未满足您的预期,或者如果您认为我们犯了错,那么请让我们知道。我们拥有公平迅速处理投诉的内部程序。我们可以根据请求提供并且可以在我们的网站 https://www.worldfirst.com/en-cn/disclaimer- policies/complaints/上找到我们的投诉程序。
20. 其他 20.1. 涉及本协议的以及根据本协议提供的服务的所有通信(不论是口头还是书面)都必须采用英语。 20.2. 本协议及本协议规划的服务受制于所有适用法律、规则和法规,其中包括(但不限于)反洗钱办公室(AMLO)、香港海关或者任何其他主管监管当局的要求。如果本协议与任何适用法律之间存在冲突,请以后者为准。 20.3. WorldFirst 将不会向您提供投资建议,或关于进行或不进行交易、关于交易时机、或者交易的法律、监管、商业、财务或其他后果的建议。本协议规划的所有服务都只能在执行的基础上提供。进行交易的任何决定都始终是您自己的决定,我们不负责承担任何损失,包括在您进行交易前后由于汇率变动而产生的损失。我们可能会根据您的请求提供市场信息,但它们并不是作为建议而提供,并且您不应当根据信息做任何推断。外汇交易情况非常复杂,而且充满波动性,因此,我们不为您根据本协议进行交易的决定承担任何责任。本协议中的任何内容都不会授予或者意在授予可由本协议当事方之外的人执行的权益。 20.4. 本协议的条款是可分割的,并且其中任何条款的无效性或不可执行性不影响本协议任何其他部分的有效性和可执行性。 20.5. 您同意,我们可以根据涉及本协议业务的重大部份的并购、合并或出售协议,把我们在本协议中的权利转让给任何 WorldFirst 的集团公司或继承人。未获我们事先书面同意,您不能转让您在本协议中的权利。如果我们根据本条款转让了我们的权利,那么您同意把您在您的 World Account 中持有的资金转让给受让人。
21. 数据保护和隐私 - 个人信息收集声明 我们为什么需要收集您的个人数据? 21.1. 客户和/或授权用户可能需要不时向我们提供涉及开设或延续客户账户、或者提供支付服务、或遵守监管或其他当局发布的任何法律或指南的个人数据。 21.2. 未能提供此类个人数据可能会导致我们无法开设或延续客户账户,或者提供支付服务,或者遵守监管或其他当局发布的任何法律或指南。 21.3. 在货币服务运营商关系的正常延续过程中,也可能会收集来自客户或授权用户的个人数据,例如,当客户向我们发布指令时。 您的个人数据可能会被用于什么目的? 21.4. 我们收到的个人数据可能会被用于以下目的: a) 根据本协议提供给客户的支付服务、电汇转账和相关服务的日常运营; b) 为了交易而进行验证检查; c) 帮助其他金融机构(包括银行、货币服务运营商和支付服务提供商)进行验证检查; d) 设计金融服务或相关产品,供客户使用; e) 在下面 “WorldFirst 是否会在直接营销中使用个人数据?”中描述的营销服务、产品和其他主题; f) 从客户以及为客户的债务提供抵押品的人那里收取款项; g) WorldFirst 集团的报告和会计要求; h) WorldFirst 集团的分析和营销(根据您的营销偏好); i) 根据对 WorldFirst 或任何 WorldFirst 集团公司有约束力的法律的要求而满足披露要求,或者根据以及为了 WorldFirst 或任何 WorldFirst 集团公司需要遵守的、由监管当局或其他当局发布的任何指南;以及与此处有关的目的。 WorldFirst 是否会把信息提供给其他方? 21.5. WorldFirst 持有的个人数据将保密,但是 WorldFirst 可能会为了上面列出的目的而把此类信息提供给以下方(不论是在香港之内还是之外): a) 向 WorldFirst 提供与其业务运营有关的行政管理、电信、计算机、支付清算或其他服务的任何代理、承包商或第三方服务提供商; b) 已经承诺对此类信息保密的、对 WorldFirst 拥有保密义务的任何其他人(包括 WorldFirst 集团公司); c) 提供与本协议将提供的服务有关的必要账户信息的银行交易对手和收款人银行或者支付服务提供商; d) 您的授权用户、或者代表您行事的、涉及根据本协议提供服务的其他人; e) 根据对 WorldFirst 或任何 WorldFirst 集团公司有约束力的任何法律的要求,或者根据或为了它们需要遵守的、由监管当局或其他当局发布的任何指南,WorldFirst 有义务向其进行披露的任何人; f) WorldFirst 的集团公司: I. 第三方货币服务运营商和支付服务提供商;以及 II. 共同品牌的 WorldFirst 和 WorldFirst 集团公司合作伙伴(这些伙伴的名称将在相关服务运用过程中提供);以及 III. 协助我们向您提供我们服务的、无权分享您个人信息的第三方。 WorldFirst 是否会在直接营销中使用个人数据? 21.6. 我们打算在直接营销中使用您的个人数据,并且为了这个目的而需要您的同意(其中包括您提供的不反对的证据)。 21.7. 请注意: a. 我们可能会在直接营销中不时使用 WorldFirst 持有的客户的姓名、联系详情、服务信息、交易模式和行为、财务背景和人口统计数据; b. 以下服务类别、产品和主题可能是市场: I. 货币服务运营、付款服务、金融服务、外汇交易以及相关服务和产品; II. 奖励、忠诚度、特权或共同品牌计划以及相关服务和产品; c. 提供或征求上述服务、产品和主题的可能是 WorldFirst 以及/或者: i. WorldFirst 集团公司; ii. 第三方金融机构、货币服务运营商、以及支付服务提供商; iii. 第三方奖励、忠诚度、特权和共同品牌计划提供商; iv. 共同品牌的 WorldFirst 和 WorldFirst 集团公司合作伙伴(这些伙伴的名称将在相关服务运用过程中提供); d. 除了营销上面的服务、产品和主题本身, WorldFirst 还打算把上面 21.7(a) 中描述的个人数据提供给上面 21.7(c) 条目中描述的所有人员,让他们用于营销这些服务、产品和主题,并且为了这个目的,WorldFirst 需要您的书面同意(其中表明您不反对)。 21.8. 我们不会出售我们持有的关于您的任何个人数据。 21.9. 如果您不想让我们使用您的个人数据,那么请通过不勾选下面的 21.10. (或者您在线注册账户时在注册过程中出现的)相关方框,在同意本协议的条款之前表明您的反对态度,因为这些方框向您展示了选择是否接收直接营销联系方式或信息。这会取代在同意本协议的条款之前您向 WorldFirst 提供的任何选择。请注意,这个选择适用于上面 WorldFirst 的个人信息收集声明中规定的服务类别、产品和/或主题的直接营销,它涉及到通过应用程序向您提供的 21.11. PDO,并且可以根据要求来提供。还请参考下面关于直接营销中可能使用的个人数据种类的、以及关于您的个人数据可能提供给他们用于直接营销的人员类别的个人信息收集声明。 21.12. 对于个人,所有客户都必须同意直接营销同意书。对于个体经营者,个体经营者必须同意直接营销同意书。对于合伙企业,所有合伙人必须同意直接营销同意书。对于个人信托,所有受托人都必须同意直接营销同意书。对于公司和公司信托,董事会主席和一名董事必须代表公司或信托同意直接营销同意书。 个人拥有什么权利? 21.13.根据以及按照 PDO 的条款,任何个人都有权: a) 检查我们是否持有关于他/她的个人数据; b) 访问我们持有的关于他/她的个人数据; c) 要求我们纠正关于他/她的、错误的个人数据;以及 d) 查明我们关于个人数据的政策和实践,并且获知我们持有的个人数据类别。 21.14.我们只会把您的个人数据保留必要长的时间,但通常不超过我们与您的业务关系结束后 6 年。 21.15.根据 PDO,我们有权对于处理任何数据访问请求收取一笔合理的费用。 21.16.申请访问数据或纠正数据、或者关于我们政策和实践以及持有的数据种类的信息时,申请应当通过电子邮件发送给数据保护官,邮箱地址是 privacy@worldfirst.com。
22 管辖权 22.1. 本协议将根据香港法律进行管理和解读。双方同意不可撤销地遵守香港法院的专属管辖权。 定义: 除非另有规定,否则每当用于本协议时,以下词语应当拥有以下含义: “协议”指的是这些通用条款和条件,连同构成协议的所有附录和附件、以及申请表,并且应当扩展至包含每个外汇交易和每个支付指令(包括不时进行的修订)。 “AMLO”指的是反洗钱和反恐怖主义融资(金融机构)指令。 “申请表”指的是您为了根据本协议规定使用我们的服务而完成并提交给我们的申请表。 “授权用户”指的是您作为主账户持有人书面或通过电子邮件通知我们有权代表您行事的任何人。 “当局”指的是任何司法、行政、公共或监管机构、任何政府、任何税务机关、法庭、中央银行或执法机构、或者对 WorldFirst 集团的任何部分有管辖权的它们的任何代理。 “营业日”指的是在香港,商业银行开门营业的一天,不包括周六、周日和银行假日。“取消事件”指的是我们根据本协议的条款、或者由于您死亡、针对您的法律诉讼威胁或者破产事件而自行选择取消外汇交易的情形。 “客户”指的是本协议中提及名称的顾客(或联合账户的顾客),连同其(相关的)子公司、附属公司、继承人和/或受让人、以及在相关情况下它的管理人员、董事、员工和代理。 “结清”指的是关闭、解约、取消或者终止外汇交易。 “消费者”指的是涉及根据本协议提供服务,或者《交易描述条例》中定义的设计本协议的商业实践中,主要为了涉及个人交易或业务的目的而行动或声称采取行动的个人。 “商业条款”拥有本协议条款 7.2 中描述的含义。 “合规义务”指的是 WorldFirst 遵守法律、AMLO、国际指南、内部政策或者来自当局的程序、请求和/或要求的义务,例如报告和/或披露义务,以及要求我们核实我们客户身份的法律。 “持久媒介”指的是能够以一种可供未来参考的方式让您存储信息的媒介,并且持续时间足够满足信息目的,并且能够实现原封不动地复制存储的信息。 “公平使用政策”指的是 WorldFirst 定义的、用于对我们向您传递的World Account 服务施加限制和/或限额的政策。 “金融犯罪”指的是洗钱、恐怖主义融资、贿赂、腐败、逃税、欺诈、逃避制裁(经济或贸易制裁)、以及/或者任何规避或违反与根据本协议提供服务有关的任何法律的行为或尝试。 “不可抗力”指的是超出受影响方合理控制的事件或原因,其中包括但不限于:战争(不论是否宣战)、破坏、暴乱、暴动、民众骚乱、国家紧急状态(不论是实际上的还是法律上的)、戒严令、火灾、洪水、旋风、地震、滑坡、爆炸、断电或断水、传输或通信网络故障、传染病、隔离、罢工或其他劳动困境或者征用、限制、禁止、法律、法规、法令或者其他可依法强制执行的政府机构命令、破损或事故、国际、国家或联邦法律法规变更、或者任何机械或系统损伤,除非是由于受影响一方的行为、疏忽、违约或者过失而产生的。 “香港”中华人民共和国香港特别行政区。“指令”指的是您或授权用户通过电话、信件、电子邮件、通过 WorldFirst 在线系统、应用程序、或者面对面的方式提供的、涉及外汇交易或支付服务的任何指令或请求;“破产事件”指的是涉及到您、您的子公司、附属公司、继承人和/或受让人、以及您的管理人员、董事、员工和代理: a)如果此类人员死亡、变得神志不清、变得破产、针对任何此类人员提出破产申请;或者 b)采取任何措施为任何此类人员任命一名管理人、司法财产保管人或者类似官员,或者向法庭申请延期付款令或向债权人提出一份自愿偿债安排提议,或者任何此类人员向债权人授予一份信托书,或采取任何措施,旨在重新调整、重新安排、免除或者推迟任何此类人员的任何部分的债务,或者任何此类人员为了其债权人或他们中的任何类别的利益(不包括为了破产重组或合并)而达成任何安排、妥协或和解,或者任命接管人、接管人和管理人、或者其他财务主管、管理人或类似官员,从而涉及、或者控制任何此类人员、或者任何此类人员的资产或标的物。 “法律”指的是任何本地或国外法律、法规、判决、法庭命令或者制裁制度。“支付服务”指的是,当支付服务属于适用于我们的要求范围内时,代表您执行支付服务,并且为了避免疑问,不包括向您或者由您进行的、涉及执行外汇交易的您自己账户的支付。“支付服务提供商”指的是当他们执行支付时的以下任何人员: a) 获得香港海关执照的货币服务运营商; b) 获授权的支付机构; c) 小额支付机构; d) 信用机构 e) 电子货币机构; f) 邮政大臣; g) 欧洲央行以及欧洲经济区成员国的国家中央银行(不含英国),不包括当他们以货币当局的身份行事或者执行其他具有公共性质的职能时; 或者 h) 政府部门或地方当局,不包括当它们执行具有公共性质的职能时。 “隐私政策”指的是用于解释 WorldFirst 如何使用、保存和收集关于您的信息的政策。“买入货币”指的是您购买的并且我们出售的货币。 “卖出货币”指的是我们购买的并且您出售的货币。 “结算日期”指的是在涉及现货交易时,卖出货币必须按照结清的资金到达交易确认通知中指定的银行账户的日期。 “现货交易”指的是一份确定义务的合同,在签订合同后的两 (2) 个营业日内以指定的价格买入或卖出指定数量的货币。 “价差”指的是 WorldFirst 从其银行交易对手那里获得的汇率与提供给客户的汇率之间的差异。 “税务当局”指的是本地或国外税务、税收或货币当局。 “使用条款”指的是用于规定您向 WorldFirst 提供的特定承诺的政策,它解释了适用于您 World Account 使用方式的限制,例如,使用条款列出了使用您的World Account 时不支持的多种业务活动。 “终止日”指的是本协议被视为是即将结束并且本协议强制执行的义务不再具有可执行性时的日期,不包括那些明确规定在终止后仍有效的条款。 “交易确认通知”指的是我们发送给您的一种文件,用于确认已经具有法律约束力的外汇交易的商业条款。 “起息日”指的是您购买的货币准备好进行交付的日期。 “WorldFirst”、“我们”、“我方”、或“我们的”指的是在香港注册成立的、注册编号为 1989650、注册办公地址为香港铜锣湾告士打道 311 号皇室大厦安达人寿大楼 30 楼 3003-3008 室、并且获得香港海关货币服务运营商牌照的WorldFirst Asia Limited。 “WorldFirst 集团”及“任何 WorldFirst 集团公司”是指 World First UK Limited,及/或其任何附属公司,控股公司、继承人或受让人。
This agreement is in both languages, English and Chinese. In the event of any inconsistency, the English version is the original language and the Chinese version is a translation for information purposes only. In case of conflict, the English version will prevail and will therefore be the binding version for both parties.
1. About Us and our Service 1.1. World First Asia Limited (“WorldFirst”) is regulated as a Money Services Operator (MSO) by the Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department. You can check our registration by visiting the MSO licencing website at https://eservices.customs.gov.hk/MSOS/wsrh/001s1 1.2. This Agreement sets out the terms governing the services provided by WorldFirst to you and your use of your World Account. These terms and conditions together with our Privacy Policy, Terms of Use and any other terms and conditions referred to therein, constitute the legal relationship between you and us. 1.3. We recommend you keep a copy of this Agreement for your records. We will always let you know if we make any changes to this Agreement and will provide you with an updated digital copy of the Agreement for your records so that you can retain this Agreement in a Durable Medium. You can however always access the latest version by visiting www.worldfirst.com
2. Applying for a World Account 2.1. In order to open a World Account, WorldFirst requires: a) you to complete our Application Form (online or paper based document); b) confirmation of your acceptance of this Agreement, the Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy in a form acceptable to us; and c) receipt of any information and/or documentation requested by us to ensure we meet our Compliance Obligations. 2.2. You represent and warrant that all information provided by you to WorldFirst during the application process and any time thereafter is and will be truthful and accurate. 2.3. On our acceptance of you as a customer, we will send you a notification informing you that your World Account is open and ready to use. 2.4. The World Account is registered to the person or legal entity recorded with WorldFirst as the account holder, and any money held is held for the registered account holder. You may not assign your World Account to third parties or grant third parties any legal or equitable interest over it. 2.5. By opening a World Account you warrant to us that your opening of a World Account does not violate any Laws or regulations applicable to you and you shall indemnify us against any and all losses we incur in connection with your breach of this clause. 2.6. We reserve the right to decline to open a World Account for you without specifying a reason. 2.7. The World Account is provided as a commercial tool to support the business activity of the registered account holder; you agree that you will not use your World Account for personal, family or household purposes or for any purposes in relation to the business activity of any third party. You represent to us that when you use our services you are not a Consumer. Should WorldFirst determine, in its reasonable opinion, that you are using your World Account for personal, family or household purposes or for any purposes related to the business activities of any third party, WorldFirst may, and you agree that WorldFirst may, immediately suspend access to your World Account. 2.8. If you are an individual you must be 18 years or older to open and use the World Account service.
3. Personal Data and World Account Security 3.1. By asking us to provide you with services under this Agreement, you will be providing us with information which includes information that may be personal data within the meaning of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (“PDO”) which we as a data controller, collect, hold, use and process in accordance with the principles of the PDO. 3.2. We will use your personal information to allow us to provide you with our services and to assess our risks in doing so as outlined in clause 21. 3.3. Your personal data may be accessible to other WorldFirst Group Companies. Client information will be protected using a strict code of security. WorldFirst also reserves the right to share information with other organisations or persons for the prevention of Financial Crime. 3.4. We may conduct soft searches through an identity-referencing agency and through other sources of information and use scoring methods to verify your identity; these soft searches do not affect your credit score. If you are a corporate entity or business, we may conduct these types of searches on your directors, shareholders or Authorised Users. A record of these searches may be kept. 3.5. You are able to update your marketing and communication preferences by logging into your World Account or you may contact us to request a change to your preferences. Details on how we use, collect, hold, process and share your information and the steps we take to protect your information are set out in our Privacy Policy. Our Privacy Policy and the Personal Collection Information Statement contained in clause 21 can be found at www.worldfirst.com/en- hk/disclaimer-policies/privacy/ or provided on request. 3.6. Any telephone conversations we have with you may be monitored and recorded by us and we may maintain records of emails sent by or to you. You agree that we may use telephone recordings and any transcripts or email records for training and quality control purposes or to resolve any disputes and in the prevention and detection of crime. 3.7. You must provide us with all relevant information we require in order to provide you with the services contemplated by this Agreement and ensure that you inform us promptly of any changes to such information.
4. Your World Account 4.1. Your World Account enables you to send and receive payments. 4.2. All funds in your World Account must relate to a payment. All funds into your World Account must be received from a third party or an approved online marketplaces (contact us for more information or to check a marketplace is approved). These funds must be paid out to a beneficiary and or a bank account in your name. You agree that you will not deposit your own funds into your World Account. 4.3. In the event that any funds in your World Account have not been paid out within 90 days’, WorldFirst will transfer such funds to an account in your name or return such funds to the source of payment. WorldFirst reserves the right to charge a fee for any returned payments and is not responsible for any losses incurred during the return process. 4.4. Transfers between currency accounts in your World Account are foreign exchange transactions entered into by you with WorldFirst to convert one currency to another and are not payments. 4.5. WorldFirst may suspend access to, disable or place limits on your World Account without prior notice to you should we have reason to believe that your World Account is being used in, has been used in or has been associated with, any fraud or attempted fraud or if WorldFirst believes your World Account has been compromised or used in any way which is contrary to these terms and conditions. In the event that we suspend your account we will contact you using the contact details, including telephone and/or email, that we have for you and which WorldFirst reasonably believes to be secure. 4.6. When you transfer funds to WorldFirst full ownership and title to these funds transfers to WorldFirst absolutely. 4.7. We shall not pay interest on funds held by us for you and we may retain, for our own benefit, any interest, which accrues from funds held in any WorldFirst accounts including a World Account(s). 4.8. You should not, under any circumstances, deposit physical cash (coins and notes), cheques or banker’s drafts into any of our bank accounts and in any such case we will not release your funds or make any onward payment until we are reasonably satisfied that we have been provided with documentation which identifies the source of the physical cash.
5. Sending Payments using your World Account 5.1. You can make a payment by contacting us or logging into your World Account and by doing so you are requesting WorldFirst to provide you with Payment Services and each payment Instruction will be an individual contract between you and us. 5.2. In order to make a payment you will need to have enough funds, corresponding to the payment you need to make, available taking into account any fees or costs associated with the transaction. WorldFirst will execute your payment after it has made deduction of any amounts due to WorldFirst. Failing to have sufficient funds in the required currency will result in WorldFirst not executing your payment. 5.3. You will also need to provide us with the beneficiary bank details and it is your responsibility to ensure the beneficiary bank details are accurate and complete. We may require you to confirm by electronic means any beneficiary bank details provided by you. The beneficiary bank details provided by you are the details that WorldFirst will use when sending your payment(s). 5.4. WorldFirst will not be liable to you if the payment is instructed late as a result of you (a) providing incomplete beneficiary bank details, (b) your late response in confirming electronically any Instructions if requested to do so, or (c) if your funds are received by the wrong beneficiary as a result of you providing incorrect beneficiary bank details however, we will use reasonable efforts to assist you in recovery of your funds and we reserve the right to charge you a fee for our reasonable costs in doing so. 5.5. You may cancel or alter a payment Instruction by contacting us at any time before the payment has been made by us. 5.6. If you wish to recall a payment, which was instructed by WorldFirst in accordance with your Instruction, we will make all reasonable efforts to assist you with a recall however, we will not be liable in the event that a recall is not possible or successful. Similarly, if a payment has been credited to a beneficiary’s bank account we can usually only recall the payment with the consent of the beneficiary account holder. We will make all reasonable efforts to assist you with a recall however, we will not be liable in the event that a recall is not accepted or where it is not possible. We reserve the right to charge an administration fee of £50 (or equivalent currency) representing our administration costs in attempting to recall each payment in addition to any direct costs incurred by WorldFirst. 5.7. You will not be able to send funds from your World Account directly to another World Account. 5.8. WorldFirst may refuse your Instruction to make a payment if you have not satisfied your obligations under this Agreement or if we believe the payment to be unlawful. In these circumstances, we shall promptly notify you, stating wherever possible the reasons for our refusal, and the procedure for rectifying any payment detail errors that led to the refusal but we reserve the right to charge you a fee to cover our reasonable costs for doing this. We are not obliged to notify you of our refusal to execute the proposed transaction where we believe that such a notification would be unlawful. 5.9. If we receive a payment Instruction on or before 5.00pm on a Business Day, your payment Instruction will be deemed to have been received by us on that Business Day. If your payment Instruction is received after 5.00pm or on a day that is not a Business Day, your payment Instruction will be deemed to have been received on the next Business Day. 5.10. Although, in most cases, we are able to specify the execution time needed for the payment to reach the beneficiary bank, we cannot be responsible for any delays caused by the beneficiary bank (or their correspondent bank) in processing of the payment and so cannot guarantee that the beneficiary's bank will make the funds available to the beneficiary on the day that it receives payment. 5.11. You consent to our including your full name, address and any other details as are required on the payment details to be sent to the beneficiary's bank, to enable us to comply with our Compliance Obligations and/or to enable a Payment Service Provider to comply with all applicable regulations. 5.12. In some circumstances, intermediaries (such as correspondent banks) may be involved in an international payment and they or the beneficiary bank may deduct a charge or fee. We will use our reasonable efforts to avoid these charges or to otherwise ensure that such charges are disclosed to you prior to our making the payment, however where such charges cannot be avoided or anticipated, you agree to be liable for such charges or fees. Please advise us if a specific amount must arrive in the beneficiary bank account, as we may be able to calculate any undefined charges in advance. You should ensure that you clearly instruct us in respect of third party fees and charges when providing us with an Instruction to make a payment. We will not under any circumstances be liable for any direct or indirect losses that results from intermediary, correspondent or receiving bank or any other third party fees or charges.
6. Receiving Payments using your World Account 6.1. When WorldFirst receives cleared funds for you, we will credit your World Account in the corresponding currency denomination. We advise that you regularly check your transaction history and account balances. 6.2. You will not be able to receive funds to your World Account directly from another World Account. 6.3. WorldFirst’s services to you under this Agreement do not apply to the actual purchase of any products or services you purchase using your World Account.
7. Booking Foreign Exchange Transactions Using your World Account 7.1. WorldFirst offers foreign exchange Spot Transactions. WorldFirst does not support foreign exchange transactions entered into for investment or speculative purposes such as trying to profit from fluctuations in foreign exchange rates and you must tell us if that is your intention. We may, without further notice to you, decline to deal with you and/or suspend access to or close your World Account if we have reason to believe that you are using any foreign exchange transaction for investment or speculative purposes. 7.2.Each foreign exchange transaction will be an individual contract between you and us. When you provide us with an Instruction to buy or sell currency, we will confirm the following terms of the transaction including without limitation: a) the Sale Currency amount that you wish to convert; b) the Purchase Currency amount which will be purchased for you; c) the exchange rate offered; and d) any applicable fees or transmission costs (collectively, the “Commercial Terms”). 7.3. On your acceptance of the Commercial Terms whether orally, in writing or electronically by logging into your World Account, you become legally bound to perform the foreign exchange transaction in accordance with those agreed Commercial Terms and we will send you a Trade Confirmation Notice itemising the Commercial Terms for your records. Transfers between wallet currencies in your World Account are foreign exchange transactions and this clause will apply to those transactions. 7.4. You must pay to us the Sale Currency in full on or before midday on the Business Day specified in the Trade Confirmation Notice. You agree that WorldFirst may deduct funds from your World Account to settle your liability on any foreign exchange transaction you have concluded should we not receive funds on the date specified in the Trade Confirmation Notice for a particular foreign exchange transaction. 7.5. Any payment to us in a currency other than the agreed Sale Currency will be converted at a conversion rate agreed with you at that time. Please note that other costs, including taxes, which are not paid via us or imposed by us, may arise. 7.6. WorldFirst is not obliged to accept an instruction from you to perform a foreign exchange transaction and reserves the right to decline to enter into a specific foreign exchange transaction with you. 7.7. We will enter into all foreign exchange transactions as principal and we shall have no responsibility to any other person other than you, the registered account holder of the World Account. 7.8. If you notify us that you want to alter any of the Commercial Terms of an existing foreign exchange transaction, we may agree to such amendments that are reasonable given the market conditions at our sole discretion. We reserve the right to charge a Spread and an administration fee of £50 (or equivalent currency) representing administration costs involved.
8. Cancelling Foreign Exchange Transactions 8.1. When you enter into a foreign exchange transaction with WorldFirst, WorldFirst enters into a matching transaction with its banking counterparty. This means that if WorldFirst cancels a foreign exchange transaction with you it also has to cancel the foreign exchange transaction it has booked with its counterparty bank. A cancellation of a foreign exchange transaction is referred to as a “Close Out”. 8.2. If WorldFirst cancels a foreign exchange transaction it has booked with you, WorldFirst will Close Out the foreign exchange transaction and may add a Spread, in line with the Spread added to your foreign exchange transaction when it was concluded. You will also be liable for any loss WorldFirst incurs in Closing Out its matching transaction with its counterparty bank. In addition: a) if any gain in excess of the Spread is realised when Closing Out the foreign exchange transactions and the Close Out is not a result of you failing to perform any of your obligations under this Agreement then such gain will be paid over to you; and b) WorldFirst reserves the right to charge interest at a rate of interest of HIBOR plus 2% on any outstanding amount due from you on a daily basis between the date of Close Out and the date of payment to WorldFirst. 8.3. You agree we may treat your death, any threat of legal action against you or an Insolvency Event as a Cancellation Event, which will give WorldFirst the right to Close Out your foreign exchange transaction(s). 8.4. In the event WorldFirst Closes Out a foreign exchange transaction for any reason outlined in this Agreement, and it transpires that the matching transaction with WorldFirst’s banking counterparty was aggregated then the loss or gain resulting from the Close Out of WorldFirst’s matching transaction will be determined by applying the closing rate of HIBOR plus 2% on the day you concluded the foreign exchange transaction with WorldFirst.
9. Fees and Costs 9.1. WorldFirst does not charge a monthly account or subscription fee for having a World Account; nevertheless, the cost of the World Account service will be subject to the Fair Usage Policy communicated to you by WorldFirst from time to time. 9.2. When you sign up for a World Account, you are provided with information in a Durable Medium relating to foreign exchange costs and payment fees that you will incur when using your World Account. We advise that you retain this information for your records. From time to time, WorldFirst may update foreign exchange costs and payment fees and will notify you of any such change. For further information on foreign exchange costs, payment fees and WorldFirst’s Fair Usage Policy please contact us using any of the contact methods outlined in the clause below called ‘Getting in Touch’ (clause 11).
10. Prohibited Transactions 10.1. As mentioned in clause 2, the World Account is provided as a commercial tool to support businesses only and there are selected types of business activities that WorldFirst is not able to support. Furthermore, there are jurisdictions in which WorldFirst is not permitted to operate. Please regularly refer to the Terms of Use for further information on transactions that WorldFirst is not able to assist you with. 10.2. WorldFirst will not be liable to you in the event we refuse a transaction falling within a category detailed in the Terms ofUse.
11. Getting in Touch 11.1. You can contact us during office hours by calling on +852 3959 4800, by completing our call back request or by using any of the contact methods outlined on our website which can be found at https://www.worldfirst.com/ 11.2. We will usually contact you using the primary email address or telephone number recorded on your World Account and may also contact you by letter using the address details you provide. By opening a World Account you agree that you have regular access to the internet and that you will check your incoming messages frequently. 11.3. Any communication or notice sent to you by email will be deemed received by you on the same Business Day it was sent. 11.4. Where legislation requires us to provide information to you in a Durable Medium, we will either send you an email or send you a notification pointing you to information on our website in a way that enables you to retain the information in a format that can be retained permanently by you for future reference. You are required to keep copies of all communications we send or make available to you.
12. Authorised Users 12.1. Subject to your account having this functionality, you may be able to add and remove Authorised Users to and from your World Account by logging on to your World Account and following relevant instructions. Only the primary account user can add or remove Authorised Users and we may request you satisfy security processes prior to us facilitating your request. 12.2. Once an Authorised User is added to your World Account, WorldFirst will be approved by you to act on Instructions provided by such Authorised User.
13. Authority and Legal Restrictions 13.1. You represent and warrant to us that: a) execution and delivery by you of this Agreement, and performance of all of your obligations contemplated under this Agreement, does not violate any law applicable to you and you have full authority to enter into this Agreement; b) all information provided by you is true, correct and complete, in all material respects as at the date of this Agreement or, if later, when the information is provided and that you will notify us promptly of any changes to such information; c) neither the information provided by you or your conduct or the conduct of your Authorised Users in relation to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, was or is misleading, by omission or otherwise; and d) you shall make on-going disclosure to us of any matters that may affect the operation of this Agreement or of your ability to perform your obligations under this Agreement including any circumstances affecting your solvency. 13.2. In order to comply with our Compliance Obligations, we may need to request information or documentation from you, an Authorised User or a beneficiary from time to time and you agree to provide this information within a reasonable period from us requesting it. WorldFirst will not be liable for any loss, direct or indirect, incurred due to your failure to respond to our requests. WorldFirst may, and you agree that WorldFirst may, immediately suspend access to your World Account should you not provide requested information or documentation within a reasonable time from the request being made to you. 13.3. We will use your details to contact you and you must tell us promptly if your email, telephone number, address or any other material information changes. 13.4. If directed by a Tax Authority, WorldFirst may be required to withhold funds held for you and WorldFirst shall not be liable to you for any loss, direct or indirect, incurred as a result.
14. Termination and World Account Closure 14.1. This Agreement shall continue until terminated in accordance with this clause. 14.2. WorldFirst may terminate this Agreement by giving you no less than 1-month notice prior notice and you can terminate this Agreement immediately at any time. On the Termination Date, your World Account shall be closed. 14.3. Termination by either you or us shall not affect an existing foreign exchange transaction entered into prior to the Termination Date or a payment Instruction provided prior to the Termination Date and such outstanding obligations shall still be enforceable. 14.4. Any sums owed by you to us under this Agreement shall become immediately due and payable on the Termination Date. You shall pay such sums into a bank account nominated by us as soon as is reasonably practicable (and no later than five (5) Business Days) after the Termination Date. 14.5. In the event WorldFirst becomes aware of, or has reason to believe that, any of the events specified below have occurred then WorldFirst may in its sole discretion, terminate this Agreement immediately by written notice to you and we shall be relieved of any future obligations set out in this Agreement including any obligations arising out of any foreign exchange transactions entered into prior to the Termination Date: a) you fail to provide us with material information when requested or required or provide false or misleading information to us; b) you fail to settle outstanding funds owing to us; c) you are or were at any time involved in or assisting in money laundering or terrorist financing, or otherwise fails to meet any verification checks required by applicable law or regulation; d) you are being officially investigated by law enforcement and/or regulatory agencies; e) you have materially breached the terms of this Agreement; f) an Insolvency Event has occurred; or g) termination of this Agreement is required by the order of any court or competent regulator or otherwise by operation of applicable law or regulation.
15. Online Services 15.1. When activating any WorldFirst online services, and before being granted access, you will be required to set up your unique Security Credentials. Security Credentials will include without limitation a username, password, items of memorable information and any other security requirements we may require from time totime. 15.2. If your World Account supports multiple Authorised Users, each of your Authorised User(s) will be required to have separate Security Credentials and you should not, under any circumstances, share your Security Credentials with anyone, even Authorised Users, or allow someone else to access your World Account using your Security Credentials. 15.3. Whenever you access your World Account online using your unique Security Credentials, it authorises WorldFirst to act on any submitted Instruction including an Instruction(s) to transfer funds out of your World Account. 15.4. We may suspend the ability for you to access your World Account online if we reasonably believe it necessary for security reasons. We may also request you to change or update your Security Credentials at any time and you agree to change or update your Security Credentials should we request you to do so. 15.5. It is your responsibility to maintain and ensure compatibility of your own equipment. You are also responsible for ensuring that your equipment is free from viruses and other malware. WorldFirst recommends that you make use of anti-virus software, anti-spyware software and a personal firewall for security purposes. 15.6. You should never access your World Account from any computer or mobile device connected to a public internet access device and you should access your World Account by using the URL: www.worldfirst.com rather than following a link in an email. 15.7. WorldFirst shall use reasonable commercial endeavours to keep online services free from viruses and corrupt files but cannot guarantee that they will be free from infection by viruses or anything else with contaminating or destructive properties. You must not misuse any of the online services by knowingly introducing viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs or other material that is malicious or technologically harmful. WorldFirst shall not be liable to you for any loss or damage caused to your software, equipment or data owing to your use of any WorldFirst online services. 15.8. You must not attempt to gain unauthorised access to any online services or any server, computer or database connected to our online services. You must not attack our systems via a denial-of- service attack or a distributed denial-of service attack and by doing so, you would be committing a criminal offence, which we may report to relevant law enforcement Authorities, and we will fully co- operate with them, which will include us providing law enforcement Authorities with information on your identity. 15.9. We are not able to guarantee that your access to any of the WorldFirst online services will be uninterrupted, continuous or error free and we shall not be liable to you if you are not able to access our online services. 15.10. Our online services use a very high level of encryption and the use of such encryption may be illegal in some countries. You should ensure that you do not knowingly use any of our online services if local law does not permit it.
16. Liability 16.1. Provided that the procedures set out in this Agreement are followed by us, we are entitled to act on your Instructions or on the Instructions of an Authorised User, and you agree to indemnify us for all losses arising from our doing so. 16.2. You agree to indemnify WorldFirst from any losses it may incur resulting from any errors made by you or an Authorised User unless such error arises due to our negligence, wilful default or fraud. 16.3. If you fail to perform any of your obligations under this Agreement we may Close Out any foreign exchange transaction we have booked with you without further notice to you and off-set any funds held for you (whether received from you or a third party on your behalf) against any amounts due to us to cover all losses we have incurred as a result. 16.4. You must contact us immediately by telephone if you become aware of any unauthorised or incorrectly executed transactions. We encourage you to check your transaction history regularly. If you fail to bring an unauthorised or incorrectly executed transaction to our attention within 13 months from the date of the transaction we may not be liable to you. 16.5. In the case of a transaction that was unauthorised or incorrectly executed owing to an error made by WorldFirst, WorldFirst shall restore/refund the payment amount and any associated fees but beyond this, WorldFirst will have no further liability to you. 16.6. WorldFirst may not be liable to you or be required to restore/refund the payment amount and any associated fees should: a) such unauthorised transaction have arisen as a result of you failing to keep your security keys, passwords or unique identifiers safe; b) you fail to notify us of any loss of your security keys, passwords or unique identifiers after you become aware; c) such unauthorised or incorrectly executed transaction are caused intentionally by you or as a result of your gross negligence; d) you fail to notify us as detailed under clause 16.4; or e) the receiving bank (i.e. the beneficiary’s bank) fails to process the payment correctly. 16.7. WorldFirst will make reasonable efforts to assist with tracing and recalling any unauthorised or incorrectly executed payments. 16.8. WorldFirst shall not be liable to you for:: a) any loss of profit, business opportunity or reputation; or b) any action for damages made against you by a beneficiary; or c) any indirect or consequential losses (whether foreseeable or not). 16.9. Nothing in this Agreement excludes WorldFirst’s liability for fraudulent misrepresentation, death or personal injury caused by its own negligence or the negligence of its employees or any other liability which WorldFirst owes to you or which cannot be excluded by law. 16.10. If WorldFirst is unable to perform its obligations under this Agreement because of factors beyond our control, including a change of law, an event of ‘Force Majeure’, withdrawal of a currency or the imposition of sanctions over a country or payment beneficiary or any event that would make it unlawful to perform such obligations then WorldFirst will notify you as soon as is reasonably practicable and will use reasonable efforts to return any money held for you in respect of which WorldFirst has been unable to discharge such obligations. 16.11. In the event you enter into a foreign exchange transaction and it transpires that the currency involved in the transaction (Purchase Currency or Sale Currency) is withdrawn or redenominated into another currency by the relevant Authorities, for whatsoever reason, before the Value Date you will still be bound to perform the transaction. In these circumstances, WorldFirst will use reasonable efforts to replace the withdrawn or redenominated currency by the domestic currency of the country where the funds are to be sent/received using an exchange rate determined by WorldFirst acting reasonably. WorldFirst will be entitled to recover from you all reasonable costs incurred by us in acting in accordance with this clause.
17. Set-Off 17.1. WorldFirst may at any time, without notice to you set off any liability owing by you to WorldFirst against any liability of WorldFirst owing to you, whether either liability is present or future, liquidated or unliquidated. 17.2. If the liabilities to be set off are expressed in different currencies, WorldFirst may convert either liability at a market rate of exchange for the purpose of set-off. Any exercise by WorldFirst of its rights under this clause shall not limit or affect any other rights or remedies available to it under this agreement or otherwise.
18. Changes to this Agreement 18.1. We may amend and update this Agreement by giving you no less than two months’ notice describing the relevant amendments. We shall give you notice of any proposed change by sending an email to the primary email address recorded on your World Account or notifying you when you log into your World Account. The proposed change will take effect two (2) months after the date of thenotice. 18.2. Unless otherwise agreed by us in writing, an amendment will not affect any legal rights or obligations that may have already arisen prior to the date specified in the notice. You have the right to object to the proposed changes within the notice period, or to terminate the Agreement immediately and without charge provided you do so prior to the date specified in the notice. 18.3. Changes that make this Agreement more favourable to you shall come into effect immediately.
19. Complaints 19.1. If you feel that we have not met your expectations in the delivery of our services or if you think we have made a mistake, please let us know. We have internal procedures for handling complaints fairly and promptly. A copy of our complaints procedure is available upon request and on our website at https://www.worldfirst.com/en- cn/disclaimer-policies/complaints/
20. Miscellaneous 20.1. All communications in relation to this Agreement and the services contemplated hereunder, whether orally or in writing, must be in the English language. 20.2. This Agreement and the services contemplated hereunder are subject to all applicable Laws, rules and regulations, including (but not limited to) AMLO, the requirements of the Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department or any other competent regulatory authority. If there is a conflict between this Agreement and any applicable Laws, the latter will prevail. 20.3. WorldFirst shall not provide you with any investment advice or advice such as whether to proceed or not to proceed with a transaction or in respect of timing of a transaction or the legal, regulatory, business, financial or other consequences of a transaction. All services contemplated by this Agreement are provided on an execution only basis. Any decision to transact is always your decision and we cannot be liable for any loss including loss due to exchange rate moves before or after you transact. We may provide market information at your request, but this is not provided as advice and you should not infer anything from the information. Foreign exchange conditions are very complex and volatile and as a result, we cannot accept responsibility for your decision to enter a transaction under this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement confers or is intended to confer a benefit enforceable by a person who is not a party to it. 20.4. The provisions of this Agreement are severable and the invalidity or unenforceability of any provision herein shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other part of this Agreement. 20.5. You consent to us assigning our rights under this Agreement to any World First Group Company or successor pursuant to a merger, consolidation or sale of a substantial portion of our business to which this Agreement relates. You may not assign your rights under this Agreement without our prior written consent. In the event that we assign our rights in accordance with this clause, you agree to the transfer of your funds held on your World Account to the assignee.
21. Data protection and privacy - personal information collection statement Why do we need to collect your personal data? 21.1. From time to time, it is necessary for Clients and/or Authorised Users to supply us with personal data in connection with the opening or continuation of a Client Account or the provision of payments services or compliance with any laws or guidelines issued by regulatory or other authorities. 21.2. Failure to supply such personal data may result in us being unable to open or continue Client Accounts or provide Payment Services or comply with any laws or guidelines issued by regulatory or other authorities. 21.3. It is also the case that personal data is collected from Clients or Authorised Users in the ordinary course of the continuation of the money service operator relationship, for example, when customers issue instructions to us.For what purpose can your personal data be used? 21.4. The personal data we receive may be used for the following purposes: a) The daily operation of the Payment Services, wire transfers and related services under this Agreement provided to Clients; b) Conducting verification checks for transactions; c) Assisting other financial institutions, including banks, money service operators and payment service providers, to conduct verification checks; d) Designing financial services or related products for Clients’ use; e) Marketing services, products and other subjects as described in ‘Will WorldFirst use personal data in direct marketing?’ below; f) Collection of amounts outstanding from Clients and those providing security for Clients’ obligations; g) Reporting and accounting requirements within the WorldFirst Group; h) Analysis and marketing (according to your marketing preferences) within the WorldFirst Group; i) Meeting the requirements to make disclosure under the requirements of any law binding on WorldFirst or any WorldFirst Group Company, or under and for the purposes of any guidelines issued by regulatory or other authorities with which WorldFirst or any WorldFirst Group Company are expected to comply; and Purposes relating thereto. Will WorldFirst provide the information to other parties? 21.5. Personal data held by WorldFirst will be kept confidential but WorldFirst may provide such information to the following parties (whether within or outside Hong Kong) for the purposes set out above: a) Any agent, contractor or third party service provide who provides administrative, telecommunications, computer, payment clearing or other services to WorldFirst in connection with the operation of its business; b) Any other person under a duty of confidentiality to WorldFirst including a WorldFirst Group Company which has undertaken to keep such information confidential; c) Banking counterparties and beneficiary banks or payment service providers providing necessary account information in respect of services to be provided under this Agreement; d) Your Authorised User(s) or other persons acting on your behalf in connection with provision of the services under this Agreement; e) Any person to whom WorldFirst is under an obligation to make disclosure under the requirements of any law binding on WorldFirst or any WorldFirst Group Company or under and for the purposes of any guidelines issued by regulatory or other authorities with which they are expected to comply; f) WorldFirst’s Group Companies: I. third party money service operators and payment service providers; and II. co-branded WorldFirst and WorldFirst Group Company partners (the names of these will be provided during the application of the relevant services); and III. third parties that assist us in providing our services to you who do not have the right to share your personalinformation. Will WorldFirst use personal data in direct marketing? 21.6. We intend to use your personal data in direct marketing and require your consent (which includes an indication of no objection from you) for that purpose. 21.7. Please note that:: a. The name, contact details, services information, transaction pattern and behaviour, financial background and demographic data of a Client held by WorldFirst may be used by us from time to time in direct marketing; b. The following classes of services, products and subjects may be markets: I. Money service operations, Payment Services, financial services, foreign exchange and related services and products; II. Reward, loyalty, privileges or co-branding programmes and related services and products; c. The above services, products and subjects may be provided by or solicited by WorldFirst and/or: i. The WorldFirst Group Companies; ii. Third party financial institutions, money service operators and payment service providers; iii. Third party reward, loyalty, privileges and co-branding programme providers; iv. Co-branding WorldFirst and WorldFirst Group Company partners (the names of these will be provided during the application of the relevant services); d. In addition to marketing the above services, products and subjects itself, WorldFirst also intends to provide the personal data described in 21.7(a) above to all or any of the persons described in item 21.7(c) above for use by them in marketing those services, products and subjects and WorldFirst requires your written consent (which includes an indication of no objection) for that purpose. 21.8. We do not sell any personal data that we hold aboutyou. 21.9. If you do not wish us to use your personal data please indicate your objection before agreeing the terms of this Agreement by not ticking the relevant box below (or as appears during the registration if registering for an account online) as it represents your present choice whether or not to receive direct marketing contact or information. This replaces any choice communicated by you to WorldFirst prior to the agreeing to the terms of this Agreement. Please note that this choice applies to the direct marketing of the classes of services, products and/or subjects as set out in WorldFirst’s Personal Information Collection Statement above relating to the PDO provided to you with the Application and available on request. Please also refer to the Personal Information Collection Statement below on the kinds of personal data which may be used in direct marketing and the classes of persons to which your personal data may be provided for them to use in direct marketing. 21.10.For individuals, all clients must agree to the direct marketing consent. For sole proprietors, the sole proprietor must agree the direct marketing consent. For partnerships, all partners must agree the direct marketing consent. For individual trusts, all trustees must agree the direct marketing consent. For companies and corporate trusts, the chairman of the board and a director must agree the direct marketing consent on behalf of the company or trust. What rights does an individual have? 228 Under, and in accordance with, the terms of the PDO, any individual has the right to:: a) Check whether we hold personal data about him/her; b) Access personal data we hold about him/her; c) Require us to correct any personal data relating to him/her which is inaccurate; and d) Ascertain our policies and practices in relation to personal data and be informed of the kind of personal data held by us. 22.11 We will only retain your personal data for as long as is necessary but generally no more than six years after the end of our business relationship with you. 22.12 In accordance with the PDO, we have the right to charge a reasonable fee for the processing of any data access request. 22.13 The person to whom requests for access to data or correction of data or information regarding our policies and practices and kinds of data held should be emailed to the Data Protection Officer at privacy@worldfirst.com. 23 Jurisdiction 23.1 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong. The parties agree to irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong.
22 Definitions: Whenever used in this Agreement, unless stated otherwise, the following words shall have the following meanings: “Agreement” means these general terms and conditions, together with all schedules and attachments forming the Agreement, and the Application Form and shall extend to include each and every foreign exchange transaction and each and every payment Instruction (each as amended from time to time). “AMLO” means Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing (Financial Institutions) Ordinance. “Application Form” means the application form that you complete and submit to us for the purpose of using our services as described in this Agreement. “Authorised User” is any person who you, the primary account holder, notify us in writing or email, has authority to act on your behalf. “Authorities" includes any judicial, administrative, public or regulatory body, any government, any Tax Authority, court, central bank or law enforcement body, or any of their agents with jurisdiction over any part of the WorldFirst Group. “Business Day" means a day on which commercial banks are open for business in Hong Kong excluding Saturdays, Sundays and bank holidays. “Cancellation Event” means a situation where we elect at our discretion to cancel a foreign exchange transaction under the terms of this Agreement or due to your death, threat of legal action against you or an Insolvency Event. “Client” means the customer (or customers for a joint account) named in this Agreement, together with (if relevant) its subsidiaries, affiliates, successors and/or assignees, as well as where relevant its officers, directors, employees and agents. “Close Out” or “Closing Out” means, in relation to a foreign exchange transaction, to close out, unwind, cancel or otherwise terminate. “Consumer” means in relation to the provisions of services under this Agreement, or commercial practices in relation to this Agreement, as defined under the Trade Descriptions Ordinance, an individual who, is acting or purporting to act, primarily for purposes that are related to the persons trade or business. “Commercial Terms” has the meaning as described in clause 7.2 of this Agreement. "Compliance Obligations" means obligations of the WorldFirst Group to comply with Laws, AMLO, international guidance, internal policies or procedures, requests and/or demands from Authorities such as reporting and/or disclosure obligations and Laws requiring us to verify the identity of our customers. “Durable Medium” means a medium which allows you to store information in a way accessible for future reference for a period of time adequate for the purposes of the information and which allows the unchanged reproduction of the information stored. “Fair Usage Policy” means a policy defined by WorldFirst imposing limits and/or allowances on the World Account services we communicate to you. “Financial Crime” means money laundering, terrorist financing, bribery, corruption, tax evasion, fraud, evasion of sanctions (economic or trade), and/ or any acts or attempts to circumvent or break any Laws relating to the services provided under this Agreement. “Force Majeure” means events or causes beyond the reasonable control of the affected party including, but not limited to:, war (whether declared or not), sabotage, riot, insurrection, civil commotion, national emergency (whether in fact or law), martial law, fire, flood, cyclone, earthquake, landslide, explosion, power or water shortage, failure of a transmission or communication network, epidemic, quarantine, strike or other labour difficulty or expropriation, restriction, prohibition, law, regulation, decree or other legally enforceable order of a government agency, breakage or accident, change of International, State or Commonwealth law or regulation or any damage of machinery or systems, unless occurring as a result of an act, omission, default or negligence of the affected party. “Hong Kong” means the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China. “Instruction” means any instruction or request given by telephone, letter, email, through the WorldFirst online system, app or face-to-face by you or an Authorised User relating to the execution of a foreign exchange transaction or a Payment Service; “Insolvency Event” means in relation to you, your subsidiaries, affiliates, successors and/or assignees, as well as your officers, directors, employees and agents: a) if such person dies, becomes of unsound mind, becomes insolvent, a bankruptcy petition is presented against any such person; or b) any steps are taken to appoint an administrator, judicial factor or similar officer to any such person or to otherwise apply to the court for a moratorium or make a proposal to creditors for a voluntary arrangement or any such person grants a trust deed for creditors or takes any action with a view to the readjustment, rescheduling forgiveness or deferral of any part of any such persons’ indebtedness or any such person enters into any arrangement, compromise or composition with or assignment for the benefit of its creditors or any class of them (except for the purposes of a solvent reconstruction or amalgamation), or a receiver, receiver and manager, or other controller, administrator or similar officer to be appointed with respect to, or takes control of, any such person or assets and undertakings of any such person. "Laws" means any local or foreign law, regulation, judgment, court order or sanctions regime. “Payment Services” means the execution of payment services on your behalf where such payment services are within the scope of the requirements applicable to us and for the avoidance of doubt excluding own account payments made to you or by you in connection with the performance of a foreign exchange transaction. “Payment Service Provider” means any of the following persons when they carry out payments: a) Money service operators licensed by the Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department; b) authorised payment institutions; c) small payment institutions; d) credit institutions e) electronic money institutions; f) The Post Master General; g) The European Central Bank and the National Central Bank of European Economic Area member states other than the United Kingdom, other than when acting in their capacity as a monetary authority or carrying our other functions of a public nature; or h) Government departments and local authorities, other than when carrying our functions of a public nature. “Privacy Policy” means the policy which explains how WorldFirst uses, stores and collects information about you. “Purchase Currency” means the currency being bought by you and sold by us. “Sale Currency” means the currency being bought by us and sold by you. “Settlement Date” means in relation to a Spot Transaction, the date by which the Sale Currency must have arrived in cleared funds in the bank account specified in the Trade Confirmation Notice. “Spot Transaction” means a contract conferring the obligation to buy or to sell a specified amount of a currency at a specified price within two (2) Business Days after the contract is entered into. “Spread” means the difference between the exchange rate obtained by WorldFirst from its banking counterparty and the exchange rate offered to the Client. "Tax Authority" means local or foreign tax, revenue or monetary Authorities. “Terms of Use” means the policy which sets out specific undertakings provided by you to WorldFirst and explains restrictions that apply to the way you use your World Account for example, the Terms of Use outlines several business activities that cannot be supported using your World Account. “Termination Date” means the date at which this Agreement is deemed to come to an end and the obligations which it enforces cease to be enforceable, except those clauses that specifically state that they survive termination. “Trade Confirmation Notice” means a document sent to you by us confirming the Commercial Terms of the already legally binding foreign exchange transaction. “Value Date” means the date your Purchased Currency becomes ready for delivery. “WorldFirst”, we”, “us” or “our” shall mean WorldFirst Asia Limited incorporated in Hong Kong, China under registration number 1989650 and whose registered office is at Room 3003-3008, 30/F, ACE Tower, Windsor House, 311 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong and licensed by the Customs and Excise Department as a money service operator. “WorldFirst Group” and “any WorldFirst Group Company” means World First UK Limited, and/or any of its subsidiaries, holding companies, successors or assigns.