正式活动:2024年4月15日 至 2024年5月15日(北京时间)
Alipay Merchant Services Pte. Ltd.(“WorldFirst”)
3.1 活动介绍
3.1.1 新客活动
•新客活动 (1次机会)
3.1.2 全部客户活动
3.2 新客活动详情
3.2.1 中国内地活动规则
3.2.2 中国内地新客抽奖活动奖品
符合活动要求的用户,可在正式活动期间(2024年4月15日至5月15日)内抽取下列奖品之一 (1次机会),中奖概率随机
3.2.3 中国内地新客抽奖活动奖品说明
3.2.4 中国香港活动规则
3.2.5 中国香港新客活动奖品
符合活动要求的用户,可在正式活动期间(2024年4月15日至5月15日)内选择下列奖品之一 (1次选择机会),
3.2.6 中国香港新客活动奖品说明
3.3 生态权益领取活动详情
3.3.1 活动规则
3.4 外币汇率优惠体验券活动
3.5 新客首单结汇免费券活动
3.6 结汇费率优惠活动
•任务1: 当用户在活动期间账户累计入账金额>$0 (USD),0.3%结汇费率权益即在活动优惠有效期间生效可用;
•任务2: 当用户在活动期间账户累计入账金额≥$10万 (USD),0.25%结汇费率权益即在活动优惠有效期间生效可用;
•任务3: 当用户在活动期间账户累计入账金额≥$30万 (USD),0.22%结汇费率权益即在活动优惠有效期间生效可用;
•任务4: 当用户在活动期间账户累计入账金额≥$50万 (USD),0.20%结汇费率权益即在活动优惠有效期间生效可用;
•任务5: 当用户在活动期间账户累计入账金额≥$100万 (USD),0.15%结汇费率权益即在活动优惠有效期间生效可用;
3.7 新产品优惠活动
4.1 万里汇20周年产品发布暨生态大会门票
4.1.1 抽中或选择万里汇20周年产品发布暨生态大会门票后,请在72小时内于页活动面信息填写页填写您的姓名、手机号、邮箱等信息,我们将在5个工作日内通过短信/邮件/站内信等方式为您发放门票兑换码,凭此码到万里汇生态大会现场(2024年5月8日)兑换门票即可参与万里汇20周年产品发布暨生态大会。
4.1.2 如您在约定期限内未提交所需信息,则视为放弃本次活动奖品。
4.2 结汇免费券(单次券)
4.2.1 “结汇免费券(单次券)”是指有效期内,客户可在进行单笔人民币(CNY)提款/转账时选择使用“单次券”减免额度对应的服务费,每张“单次券”的额度不可叠加且仅可核销一次,若额度不足以全额减免该笔交易服务费,差额部分将按照客户的费率收费。4.3.2 “结汇免费券(单次券)” 以人民币(CNY)为基准,而服务费以账号入账币种为基准计算,因此在计算时,将依据订单当前汇率将免费额度换算成可抵扣的服务费金额。“免费额度(单次券)”扣减后计算的最终优惠金额以万里汇采用的算法为准。
4.2.3 “结汇免费券(单次券)” 在您抽中或选择后将在1个工作日内发放至您的万里汇外贸B2B账户,使用有效期自发放日起30天。
4.3 万里汇大礼包
4.3.1 万里汇定制礼包,包括签字笔*1、笔记本*1、帆布包*1、抱枕*1万里汇定制礼品。
4.3.2 抽中此奖品后,请在72小时内于抽奖页面信息填写页填写您的姓名、手机号、邮箱等信息,我们将尽快与您联系并确认收货地址,并在抽中奖品后的15个自然日内以邮递的方式发放。如您在约定期限内未提交所需信息,则视为放弃本次活动奖品。本奖品仅支持邮寄中国大陆地区。
4.4 CNH兑外币汇率体验券
4.4.1 "CNH兑外币汇率体验券"是指在电脑(PC)端进行货币兑换以及单笔跨币种提款/转账交易时的优惠券,该优惠券让您有权在使用万里汇外贸B2B账户进行货币兑换以及单笔跨币种提款/转账交易时享受外汇汇率优惠,不适用于移动端程序。
4.4.2 "CNH兑外币汇率体验券"仅适用于离岸人民币CNH兑换美元USD、欧元EUR、英镑GBP、港元HKD、澳元AUD、日元JPY、新西兰元NZD、新加坡元SGD和加元CAD 九大币种的货币兑换以及跨币种提款/转账交易场景使用。
4.4.3 我们所提供的"CNH兑外币汇率体验券"需要遵守相关的国家或地区监管规定。最终优惠幅度以交易页面显示的优惠金额为准。
4.4.4 "CNH兑外币汇率体验券"在您抽中或选择后将在1个工作日内发放至您的万里汇外贸B2B账户,使用有效期自发放日起30天。
4.5 天猫超市购物卡
4.5.1 价值¥100元天猫超市购物卡(有效期请见卡面)。抽中后请在72小时内于抽奖页面信息填写页填写您的姓名、手机号、邮箱等信息,我们将在5个工作日内通过短信/邮件/站内信等方式为您发放购物卡兑换码,凭此码到淘宝APP进行兑换。
4.6 新客首单结汇免费券
4.6.1 “新客首单结汇免费券”是指有效期内,用户可在进行自账户认证成功以来首笔人民币(CNY)单笔提款/转账时由系统默认选择使用“新客首单结汇免费券”减免上限额度对应的服务费。
4.6.2 “新客首单结汇免费券”不可与其他任何结汇优惠券(免费额度)叠加且仅可核销一次,若额度不足以全额减免该笔交易服务费,差额部分将按照客户的费率收费。
4.6.3 “新客首单结汇免费券” 仅限用于用户自账户认证成功以来首次单笔提款/转账目标币种为人民币(CNY)的交易。
4.6.4 “新客首单结汇免费券” 以人民币(CNY)为基准,而服务费以账号入账币种为基准计算,因此在计算时,将依据订单当前汇率将免费额度换算成可抵扣的服务费金额。“新客首单结汇免费券”扣减后计算的最终优惠金额以万里汇采用的算法为准。
4.7 费率权益
4.7.1 “费率权益”是指权益生效后(有效期内),用户在人民币(CNY)单笔提款/转账时即可使用该权益所提供的优惠结汇费率,系统将默认选择使用当前用户账户内最优费率完成该笔交易。(用户在同一时间内,将会有标准费率、优惠费率和费率权益三种类型的费率)
4.7.2 “费率权益”可与其他任何结汇优惠券(免费额度)叠加,并且在有效期内可以多次使用,最终是否使用已生效的“费率权益”取决于系统默认择优后的结果。
4.7.3 “费率权益“目前仅限用于用户单笔提款/转账目标币种为人民币(CNY)的交易。
4.7.4 “费率权益” 使用后计算的最终优惠金额以万里汇采用的算法为准。
4.8 外币汇率体验券
4.8.1 "外币汇率券"是指有效期内,客户可在PC(电脑)端和移动端(微信小程序)进行货币兑换及单笔跨币种提款/转账交易时选择使用“汇率券”享受汇率优惠。
4.8.2 “外币汇率券”所适用的币种以每张“外币汇率券”的适用规则为准。
4.8.3 “外币汇率体验券”仅适用于美元USD、欧元EUR、英镑GBP、港元HKD、澳元AUD、日元JPY、新西兰元NZD、新加坡元SGD和加元CAD 九大币种之间的货币兑换以及跨币种提款/转账交易。
4.8.4 万里汇所提供的汇率需要遵守相关的国家或地区监管规定。因此,万里汇不能保证所提供的最终折扣汇率会反映汇率券所体现的折扣幅度。“外币汇率券” 的最终折扣汇率优惠以万里汇采用的算法为准。
5.1 万里汇保留与本活动有关或与之相关的所有事项 (包括条款和条件以及奖励) 的最终解释权和决定权,恕不另行通知。任何此类决定和/或决定将是最终的和具有约束力的。
5.2 所有优惠券将在规定的有效期后失效,任何未使用的免费额度不得退还或兑换现金。
5.3 除非另有说明,否则所有优惠券不能与其他折扣或促销同时使用。
5.4 通过此活动页面的报名/注册意味着您同意我们通过电子邮件,短信等向您发送有关产品,服务和营销折扣的通知。
5.5 在领取和使用优惠及活动券的过程中,如出现违规行为,主办方有权主办方有权取消用户的奖品使用资格,并有权采取撤销违规交易,必要时追究法律责任。如您在约定期限内未提交所需信息,则视为放弃本次活动奖品。
5.6 在法律允许的范围内,万里汇有权随时更改或调整活动条款,或暂停或取消活动,对任何客户均不承担任何责任。相关更改或调整将在活动页面上发布或以适当方式通知客户。
5.7 活动参与者需要承担参加本次活动可能产生的全部费用 (不包括因符合活动条件而获得的奖励)。
5.8 所有商标、标志和品牌名称均为其各自所有者的财产。
5.9 万里汇(WorldFirst)外贸B2B账号是指万里汇(WorldFirst)在中国/香港大陆注册的企业提供的账户服务,账户服务由Alipay Merchant Services Pte. Ltd.提供,更多相关信息,请参阅条款和条件(T&Cs)https://www.worldfirst.com.cn/content/articles/mstandc/tandc
5.10 本条款与条件包括两种语言:中文和英文。如有任何不一致之处,一概以英文版本为准。中文译本仅供参考,不具有任何法律效力。
5.11 本活动的条款和条件应受新加坡法律管辖并根据新加坡法律解释。由本活动引起的或与本活动有关的任何争议应提交给新加坡国际仲裁中心 (“SIAC”) 在新加坡进行仲裁,并依照当前有效的仲裁规则最终解决,这些规则被视为被引用并纳入本条款 。
5.12 如果您对本活动有任何疑问,请致电4009766666通过万里汇官方客户服务热线与我们联系。(周一 - 周日,8:00 - 23:00,北京时间)
1.Promotion Period
Official period: From April 15, 2024 to May 15, 2024 (Beijing Time)
2.Promotion Organizer
Alipay Merchant Services Pte. Ltd. (“WorldFirst”)
3.Description of the Promotion
3.1 Promotion introduction
3.1.1 New Users Activities
WorldFirst's B2B Account new users who completed account verification between April 15, 2024, and May 15, 2024 (Beijing Time) are eligible to participate in the following three promotions:
•New User Promotion (1 chance)
•Ecosystem partners' benefits Promotion
•Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Discount Promotion
WorldFirst's B2B Account new users who completed first funds-in transaction (collection) between April 15, 2024, and May 15, 2024 (Beijing Time) are eligible to participate in the following 1 promotion:
•New Users's First CNY Settlement Fee Waiver Promotion
3.1.2 All Users Promotion
WorldFirst's B2B Account new users who completed any funds-in transaction (collection) between April 15, 2024, and May 15, 2024 (Beijing Time) are eligible to participate in the following 1 promotion:
•CNY Settlement Fee Discount Promotion
WorldFirst B2B Account new users who successfully open an account between April 15, 2024, and May 15, 2024 (Beijing Time) are eligible to participate in the following 2 new products related promotions:
•WorldTrade Card Payment Fee Discount Promotion
•Foreign Trade Loan Interest Rate Discount Promotion
3.2 New user promotion details
3.2.1 Promotion rules (Chinese Mainland, China)
•WorldFirst B2B Account new users who completed the account verification between 15 April 2024 to 15 May 2024 will be eligible to receive two prize draw chances during the promotion period (15 April 2024 to 15 May 2024).
•The link to the prize draw promotion page will be sent via "In-Portal Messaging" to users who meet the activity criteria during the promotion period (15 April 2024 to 15 May 2024).
*Applicable only to customers whose businesses are registered in Chinese Mainland, China and have successfully opened a WorldFirst B2B Account.
3.2.2 New Users Promotion Prizes (Chinese Mainland, China)
Users who meet the requirements of the promotion can draw one of the following prizes (1 chance to draw), and the probability of winning any specific prize is randomised.
•Prize 1: One (1) ticket to the WorldFirst's 20th anniversary Product Launch and Ecosystem Conference
•Prize 2: One (1) exclusive 2024 Spring Canton Fair Phase I (4.15-4.19) WorldFirst shuttle bus service
•Prize 3: One (1) ¥50,000 CNY Free Quota (Single-use Coupon)
•Prize 4: One (1) WorldFirst Gift Pack
•Prize 5: One (1) CNH to Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Experience Coupon
•Prizes 6: One (1) ¥100 yuan Tmall Supermarket Shopping Card
3.2.3 New Users Promotion Prizes Details (Chinese Mainland, China)
The total number of the available prizes for the Promotion is as follows:
•Prize 1: One (1) ticket for WorldFirst's 20th Anniversary Product Launch and Ecosystem Conference (1400 in total)
•Prize 2: One (1) exclusive 2024 Spring Canton Fair Phase I (4.15-4.19) WorldFirst shuttle bus service (980 in total)
•Prize 3: One (1) ¥50000 CNY Free Quota (Single-use Coupon) (475 in total)
•Prize 4: One (1) WorldFirst Gift Bag (70 in total)
•Prize 5: One (1) CNH to Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Experience Voucher (1400 in total)
•Prize 6: One (1) ¥100 Tmall Supermarket Shopping Card (20 in total)
*All prizes are subject to availability.
*The prizes are not transferable or exchangeable and cannot be sold or redeemed for cash, monetary value or for any other form of compensation.*If for any reason a prize is not available, WorldFirst reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to substitute that Prize for another of equal or greater value.
3.2.4 Promotion Rules (Hong Kong, China)
•WorldFirst B2B Account new user who completed the account verification between 15 April 2024 and 15 May 2024 (Beijing Time) will be eligible to choose two prizes during the official promotion period (15 April 2024 to 15 May 2024).
•The link to the promotion page will be sent via "In-Portal Messaging" to users who meet the promotion criteria during the official promotion period (15 April 2024 to 15 May 2024).
*Applicable only to customers whose businesses are registered in Hong Kong, China and have successfully opened a WorldFirst B2B Account.
3.2.5 New Users Promotion Prizes (Hong Kong, China)
Users who meet the requirements of the promotion can choose one of the following prizes (1 chance to choose)
•Prize 1: One (1) ticket to the WorldFirst's 20th anniversary Product Launch and Ecosystem Conference
•Prize 2: One (1) ¥50,000 CNY Free Quota (Single-use Coupon)
•Prize 3: One (1) One (1) CNH to Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Experience Coupon
3.2.6 New Users Promotion Prizes Details (Chinese Mainland, China)
The total number of the available prizes for the promotion is as follows:
•Prize 1: One (1) ticket for WorldFirst's 20th Anniversary Product Launch and Ecosystem Conference ([200] in total)
•Prize 2: One (1) ¥50,000 CNY Free Quota (Single-use Coupon) ([200] in total)
•Prize 3: One (1) CNH to Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Experience Voucher ([140] in total)
*All prizes are subject to availability.
*The prizes are not transferable or exchangeable and cannot be sold or redeemed for cash, monetary value or for any other form of compensation.*If for any reason a prize is not available, WorldFirst reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to substitute that prize for another of equal or greater value.
3.3 Ecosystem Partners' Benefits Promotion
3.3.1 Promotion Rules
•WorldFirst B2B Account new users who completed the account verification between 15 April 2024 and 15 May 2024 (Beijing Time) will be eligible to participate in ecosystem partners' benefits promotion during the promotion period (15 April 2024 to 15 May 2024).
•The link to claim the ecosystem benefits will be sent via "In-Portal Messaging" to users who meet the promotion requirements during the period (15 April 2024 to 15 May 2024). After users make their selection and submit the information of the ecosystem benefits to be claimed, we will notify the ecosystem partners within 7 working days. The issuance and use of the ecosystem benefits will be arranged between the ecosystem partners and the users, and the specific terms and conditions of each ecosystem benefit will apply.
•The ecosystem benefits of this promotion are provided by WorldFirst's ecosystem partners, who will independently assume all rights and obligations and provide the users with the necessary services and technical support.
•WorldFirst does not assume any responsibility or obligation in respect of the ecosystem benefits provided under this promotion. Any disputes between the users and ecosystem partners shall be resolved between themselves, and WorldFirst will not be responsible for any losses or assume any liabilities arising thereof.
*Applicable only to customers whose businesses are registered in Chinese Mainland, China or Hong Kong, China and have successfully opened a WorldFirst B2B Account.
*Should the relevant users choose to submit the information to claim the ecosystem benefits, it shall be deemed that the relevant users have provided the authorization for the promotion organizer to provide the user’s contact information (contact person’s mobile number and company name) to the ecosystem partners.
3.4 Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Discount Voucher
•WorldFirst B2B Account new users who completed the account verification between 15 April 2024 and 15 May 2024 will be eligible to receive Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Discount Voucher during the promotion period (15 April 2024 to 15 May 2024). The voucher will be valid for 30 days from the date of issuance.
*Applicable only to customers whose businesses are registered in Chinese Mainland, China, Hong Kong, China and have successfully opened a WorldFirst B2B Account.
3.5 New User's First CNY Settlement Fee Waiver Voucher
•WorldFirst B2B Account new users who completed first funds-in transaction (collection) between 15 April 2024 and 15 May 2024 (Beijing Time) are eligible to receive 1 New User’s First CNY Settlement Fee Waiver Voucher (Deduct service fees generated from CNY settlement up to a maximum of 100,000 RMB in the first transaction.)
•The New User’s First CNY Settlement Fee Waiver Voucher will be automatically issued by the system to the "Benefits Center" - "My Benefits" section of the eligible users' portal during the event period (15 April 2024 to 15 May 2024). The voucher will be valid for 30 days from the date of issuance.
*Applicable only to customers whose businesses are registered in Chinese Mainland, China, Hong Kong, China and have successfully opened a WorldFirst B2B Account.
3.6 CNY Settlement Fee Discount Promotion
WorldFirst's B2B Account new users who cumulatively completed a funds-in transaction (collection) during the promotion period i.e. between 15 April 2024, and 15 May 2024 (Beijing Time) are eligible to enjoy a limited-time discount on the CNY settlement fee during the discount period (15 April 2024 to 31 May 2024).
Pursuant to the activity, the cumulative funds-in transaction amount credited to the account will be categorized into 5 tasks, each with a different discounted CNY settlement fee. Once users meet a task's target credited amount under the several tasks as below during the activity the corresponding discounted fee rate will be activated. The system will automatically apply the best fee rate for users for CNY settlement transactions:
•Task 1: When the total funds-in transaction amount credited to the user’s account during the promotion period exceeds $0 (USD), a 0.3% CNY settlement fee rate will be applicable and made available during the promotional period.
•Task 2: When the total funds-in transaction amount credited to the user’s account during the promotion period exceeds $100,000 (USD), a 0.25% CNY settlement fee rate will be applicable and made available during the promotional period.
•Task 3: When the total funds-in transaction amount credited to the user’s account during the promotion period exceeds $300,000 (USD), a 0.22% CNY settlement fee rate will be applicable and made available during the promotional period.
•Task 4: When the total funds-in transaction amount credited to the user’s account during the promotion period exceeds $500,000 (USD), a 0.20% CNY settlement fee rate will be applicable and made available during the promotional period.
•Task 5: When the total funds-in transaction amount credited to the user’s account during the promotion period exceeds $1,000,000 (USD), a 0.15% CNY settlement fee rate will be applicable and made available during the promotional period.
*Applicable only to customers whose businesses are registered in Chinese Mainland, China, Hong Kong, China and have successfully opened a WorldFirst B2B Account.
3.7 New Products Benefits Promotion
WorldTrade service fee promotion
•Any WorldFirst B2B Account user who has successfully opened an account during the promotion period between 15 April 2024 and 15 May 2024 (Beijing time) can enjoy a limited-time card transaction fee of 2.5% (original transaction fee - 2.9%) when using WorldTrade’s purchase order management services during the promotional discount period (15 April 2024 to 31 May 2024);
•The use of the World Trade’s services is subject to the terms of use of WorldTrade.
*Applicable only to customers whose businesses are registered in Chinese Mainland, China, Hong Kong, China and have successfully opened a WorldFirst B2B Account.
Foreign Trade Loan Interest Rate Discount Promotion
•Any WorldFirst B2B Account user who has successfully opened an account with WorldFirst, and successfully applied and obtained a loan during the promotional period (15 April 2024 to 15 May 2024) may be eligible to enjoy a promotional interest rate starting from 5.3% for foreign trade loans. (the interest rate for the loan will be calculated based on a simple interest method.)
• WorldFirst Foreign Trade Loan is an online loan product catered specifically for import and export businesses, jointly provided by Ant Group in collaboration with the relevant bank. The interest rate and loan amount are subject to the bank's review and approval. The Foreign Trade Loan is independently offered by the relevant bank, with WorldFirst providing only technical support.
*Applicable only to customers whose businesses are registered in Chinese Mainland, China and have successfully opened a WorldFirst B2B Account.
4.Prizes (Benefits) Terms and Conditions
4.1 Tickets for the WorldFirst's 20th Anniversary Product Launch and Ecosystem Conference
4.1.1 If you win the tickets for the WorldFirst's 20th anniversary Product Launch and Ecosystem Conference, you will be required to provide your name, mobile phone number, email address and other information on the information filling page of the Promotion page within 72 hours. We will issue the ticket exchange code to you through SMS/email/in-portal notification within five (5) working days. By using this code, you will be able to exchange for a ticket of the WorldFirst's 20th anniversary Product Release and Ecosystem Conference at the event site (8 May 2024).
4.1.2 If you do not submit the required information within the required period, you will be deemed to have given up the prize for this Promotion.
4.2 2024 Spring Canton Fair Exclusive Shuttle Bus Service
4.2.1 Exclusive shuttle bus service for WorldFirst customers between the Canton Fair Phase I (4.15-4.19) site and the bus stop. If you win or choose the ticket for the exclusive shuttle bus service, you will be required to provide your name, mobile phone number, email address and other information on the information filling page of the Promotion page within 72 hours. We will issue the ticket exchange code to you through SMS/email/in-portal notification within five (5) working days. By using this code, you will be able to exchange for an exclusive shuttle bus ticket at WorldFirst's exhibition booth at the Canton Fair. If you do not submit the required information within the required period, you will be deemed to have given up the prize for this Promotion.
4.2.2 There are two routes for the WorldFirst shuttle bus service. General seating is provided and there will not be seats assigned, the users may select their preferred seats if available and the shuttle bus will depart once it is full. The shuttle bus service departure point: Pick up from the carpark outside the Canton Fair and set down at Modiesha/Wanshengwei MTR Station. The shuttle bus service arrival point: Pick up at Modiesha/Wanshengwei MTR Station and set down at the carpark outside the Canton Fair. (Please note: Departure/arrival point may change due to traffic condition, weather, and other factors on the event day. Please follow instructions from staff onsite and obey local traffic laws.)
4.3 CNY Free Quota (single-use coupon)
4.3.1 Free quota (single-use coupon) may be used within its validity period to waive the service fees up to a corresponding quota when making a single Chinese Yuan (CNY) withdrawal/transfer transaction where CNY is the receiving currency. The quota of each coupon cannot be stacked and can only be redeemed once. If the quota is not sufficient to fully waive the service fee for the transaction, the remaining amount will be charged according to the user's fee rate.
4.3.2 Free quota (single-use coupon) is denominated in CNY, while the service fees are calculated based on the transaction currency. Therefore, during calculation, the free quota will be converted into the equivalent service fee amount based on the current exchange rate of the transaction order. The final discounted amount, calculated after deducting the Free quota (single-use coupon) is subject to the algorithm adopted by WorldFirst.
4.3.3 Free quota (single-use coupon) will be issued to the relevant new users’ WorldFirst B2B Account within 1 working day and will be valid for 30 days from the date of issuance.
4.4 WorldFirst Gift Pack
4.4.1 WorldFirst's customized gift bag includes one (1) signing pen, one (1) notebook, one (1) canvas bag , one (1) bolster pillow and other WorldFirst customized merchandise.
4.4.2 If you win this prize, you will be required to provide your name, mobile phone number, email and other information on the information filling page of the Promotion page within 72 hours. We will contact you as soon as possible and confirm the shipping address, and distribute the prize by mail within 15 natural days after the draw. If you do not submit the required information within the required period, you will be deemed to have given up the prize for this event. This prize can only be delivered by mail within mainland China.
4.5 CNH Exchange Rate Experience Coupon
4.5.1 "CNH to Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Experience Coupon" refers to the discount coupon available on the computer (PC) portal for currency exchange and single cross-currency withdrawal/transfer transaction. The coupon allows you to enjoy foreign exchange rate discounts when using WorldFirst B2B account for currency exchange and single cross-currency withdrawal/transfer transaction. It is not applicable to mobile programs.
4.5.2 "CNH to Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Experience Coupon" is only applicable to the currency exchange and cross-currency withdrawals/transfers from CNH to the nine major currencies USD, EUR, GBP, HKD, AUD, JPY, NZD, SGD and CAD.
4.5.3 The "CNH/Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Experience Coupon" provided by us is subject to relevant national or regional regulatory regulations. The discount rate displayed on the transaction page will be taken as final and binding.
4.5.4 "CNH to Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Experience Coupon" will be issued to the relevant new users’ WorldFirst B2B Account within 1 working day and will be valid for 30 days from the date of issuance.
4.6 Tmall supermarket shopping card
4.6.1 Tmall supermarket shopping card worth $100. If you win the Tmall supermarket shopping card, you are required to provide your name, mobile phone number, email address and other information on the information filling page of the Promotion page within 72 hours after winning the Promotion. We will issue you a gift card exchange code via SMS/email/in-portal notification within 5 working days, and using this code to exchange for the Tmall supermarket shopping card via the Taobao APP.
4.7 New User's First CNY Settlement Fee Waiver Voucher
4.7.1 The "New User's First CNY Settlement Fee Waiver Voucher" refers to a benefit, within its validity period, which allows the user to use the voucher to waive the service fee up to the specified limit on the first CNY withdrawal/transfer transaction from their account upon successful account verification. The system will automatically select the "New User's First CNY Settlement Fee Waiver Voucher" to waive the service fee according to the maximum allowable quota.
4.7.2 This voucher cannot be combined with any other currency settlement discount vouchers (free quota) and can only be redeemed once. If the voucher's limit is not sufficient to fully waive the service fee for the transaction, the remaining balance will be charged at the user's applicable rate.
4.7.3 The "New User's First Settlement Fee Waiver Voucher" is only applicable for the user's first single withdrawal/transfer transaction where the underlying currency is Chinese Yuan (CNY), following the successful verification of the user’s account. This means the voucher can be redeemed for a service fee waiver specifically on the initial RMB transaction performed by the new user after their account has been verified.
4.7.4 The "New User's First Settlement Fee Waiver Voucher" is denominated in Chinese Yuan (CNY), while the service fee is calculated based on the account’s transaction currency. Therefore, when calculating the discount, the free quota provided by the voucher will be converted into the equivalent service fee amount that based on the current exchange rate of the order. The final discounted amount, after applying the "New User's First CNY Settlement Fee Waiver Voucher," is determined by the algorithm used by WorldFirst. This ensures that the voucher's value corresponds accurately to the service fee based on the current exchange rate.
4.8 Fee Rate Benefit
4.8.1 "Fee Rate benefits" refer to the preferential exchange rate that users can utilize for single RMB (CNY) withdrawal/transfer transactions after the benefit becomes available (within its validity period). By default, the system will use the most favorable rate available in the user's current account to complete the transaction. (Users will have access to three types of rates at the same time: standard rates, promotional rates, and rate benefits.)
4.8.2 "Fee Rate benefits" can be combined with any other currency settlement discount vouchers (free quota) and can be used multiple times within the validity period. Whether the available benefits will be adopted is based upon the system’s selection of the most favourable rate.
4.8.3 "Fee Rate benefits" are currently limited for use by users on single withdrawal/transfer transactions with the transaction currency being Chinese Yuan (CNY).
4.8.4 The final discount amount calculated after using "Fee Rate benefits" is determined by the algorithm used by WorldFirst.
4.9 Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Discount Voucher
4.9.1 "Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Discount Voucher" may be used within its validity period to enjoy discount when making currency exchange and single cross-currency withdrawal/transfer transaction on the computer (PC) portal and WeChat mini program.
4.9.2 The currency to which the "Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Discount Voucher" apply is subject to the applicable rules of each voucher.
4.9.3 "Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Discount Voucher" is only applicable to currency exchanges and cross-currency withdrawals/transfers among the nine major currencies: USD, EUR, GBP, HKD, AUD, JPY, NZD, SGD and CAD.
4.9.4 The exchange rates provided by WorldFirst is subject to the relevant national or regional regulatory requirements. Therefore, WorldFirst cannot guarantee that the final discounted exchange rate provided will reflect the discounted amount represented in the "Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Discount Voucher". The final discounted exchange rate is subject to the algorithm adopted by WorldFirst.
5.Further Terms
5.1 WorldFirst reserves the right to, in its sole discretion, determine and/or decide all matters relating to or arising in connection with the Promotion and/or these Terms and Conditions without prior notice. Any such determination and/or decision will be final and binding.
5.2 All the coupons shall be invalid after the stated validity period. Any unused free quota or coupon cannot be refunded or exchanged for cash.
5.3 A coupon cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts or promotions, unless otherwise stated.
5.4 By registering/signing up through this Promotion page, you agree that we may send you notifications regarding products, services and marketing discounts via email, SMS, etc.
5.5 In the process of claiming and using the coupon and Prizes, if there is any violation, the Organizer has the right to cancel the Participant’s Prize, and has the right to cancel the relevant illegal transaction. The Participant shall assume the legal responsibility if necessary. If the winner does not submit the required information within the required time limit, WorldFirst may disqualify such winner from the Promotion.
5.6 To the extent permitted by applicable law, WorldFirst reserves the right to amend the terms of the Promotion and these Terms and Conditions, and/or to suspend or cancel the Promotion at any time, without liability. Any amendments to the Promotion will be published on the Promotion webpage and/or notified to WordFirst customers in an appropriate manner.
5.7 Participants shall bear all expenses arising from and/or in connection with participating in the Promotion. Any and all applicable taxes or duties payable in relation to the Promotion shall be the responsibility of the relevant Participant.
5.8 All tradenames, trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners.
5.9 WorldFirst B2B Account refers to the account services provided by WorldFirst to businesses registered in Chinese Mainland or Hong Kong, China. The account services are provided by Alipay Merchant Services Pte. Ltd. For more information, please refer to the Terms and Conditions (T&Cs) at https://www.worldfirst.com.cn/content/articles/mstandc/tandc.
5.10 These Terms and Conditions are available in two languages: Chinese and English. In the event of any conflicts, the English version shall prevail. The Chinese translation is provided for reference only and has no legal effect.
5.11 These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Singapore. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with these Terms and Conditions and/or the Promotion, including any question regarding its existence, validity or termination, shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration administered by the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (“SIAC”) in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the SIAC (SIAC Rules) for the time being in force, which rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference in this clause. The seat of the arbitration shall be Singapore. The language to be used in the arbitral proceedings shall be English.
5.12 If you have any questions about this Promotion, please contact us at the official WorldFirst customer service hotline by calling 4009766666 (Monday - Sunday 8:00-23:00 Beijing time).